Files in this Data Supplement:
Table S1, MS/MS data
Fig. S1, SDS-PAGE analysis of refolded GST-FlhF-His6 protein preparations
Fig. S2, Western blot to confirm expression of FlhF fusion proteins in bacterial two-hybrid assay
Fig. S3, FlhF expression in complemented ΔflhF strains
Fig. S4, all FlhF mutants restore polar flagellar assembly
Fig. S7, DRaCALA assay of [α-32P]GTP binding over time
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Movie S5, PAK ΔflhF complemented with FlhF(R251G) on anti-FliC antibody-coated slides
AVI, 9.2M
Movie S6, PAK ΔflhF complemented with FlhF(R251G) on BSA-coated slides
AVI, 8.0M