Files in this Data Supplement:
Supplemental text; summary of oligonucleotide primers for PCR analyses (Table S1); results from Entero1 assays for water samples (Table S2); inhibition results from Eub8F, Bac32F, and Ccoc assays (Table S3); results from Entero1 assay using fecal samples (Table S4); Bayesian statistics on each of the host-specific assays used in this study (Table S5); average enterococci (Fig. S1) and thermotolerant coliforms (Fig. S2) per month for each study site; monthly detection frequencies of water samples for human-specific marker HF183 (Fig. S3), for cattle-specific marker CF128 (Fig. S4), and for swine-specific marker PF163 (Fig. S5) at each study site.
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