####################################################################### # # Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre # CCDC # ####################################################################### # # If this CIF has been generated directly or indirectly from an entry in the # Cambridge Structural Database, then it will include bibliographic, chemical, # crystal, experimental, refinement or atomic coordinate data resulting from # the CCDC's data processing and validation procedures. Files generated from # CSD entries are Copyright 2013 Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. They # may be used in bona fide research applications only, and may not be copied or # further disseminated in any form, whether machine-readable or not, except for # the purposes of generating routine backup copies on your local computer # system. # # Files arising from any other source may also contain material that is the # copyright of third parties, including the originator, and you should check # with the originator concerning the permitted uses of the information # contained in this CIF. # # For further information on the CCDC and the free tools enCIFer and Mercury # for validating and visualising CIF files, please visit www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk # ####################################################################### data_C19H26O2 _symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21' _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 4 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 -x,1/2+y,-z _cell_length_a 8.5973(10) _cell_length_b 7.2630(10) _cell_length_c 13.3032(16) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 91.863(9) _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_volume 830.242 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z O1 O 0.86330(18) 0.2367(3) 0.91305(13) H1O H 0.920(3) 0.290(4) 0.9573(19) O2 O 0.94493(19) 0.8730(3) 0.93722(14) H2O H 0.920(4) 0.991(3) 0.925(2) C1 C 0.7340(3) 0.3568(4) 0.88933(18) H1 H 0.646(3) 0.269(3) 0.8768(19) C2 C 0.7023(2) 0.4739(4) 0.98072(19) C3 C 0.6308(3) 0.3892(4) 1.06252(18) H3 H 0.5941 0.2661 1.0567 C4 C 0.6139(3) 0.4853(4) 1.1512(2) H4 H 0.5655 0.4279 1.2062 C5 C 0.6666(3) 0.6629(4) 1.1603(2) H5 H 0.6576 0.7268 1.2222 C6 C 0.7331(3) 0.7492(4) 1.0793(2) H6 H 0.7665 0.8736 1.0853 C7 C 0.7515(2) 0.6546(4) 0.98901(19) C8 C 0.8234(3) 0.7521(4) 0.90112(19) H8 H 0.744(3) 0.837(4) 0.8656(18) C9 C 0.8879(3) 0.6189(4) 0.82423(19) H9 H 0.976(3) 0.548(4) 0.8585(18) C10 C 0.7633(2) 0.4717(4) 0.79500(19) C11 C 0.9494(3) 0.7204(4) 0.7356(2) H11 H 0.8763 0.7818 0.6923 C12 C 1.0970(4) 0.7305(6) 0.7135(2) H12A H 1.1735 0.6708 0.7550 H12B H 1.1272 0.7974 0.6559 C13 C 0.8229(3) 0.3484(4) 0.70988(19) H13A H 0.8281 0.4236 0.6480 H13B H 0.9303 0.3089 0.7284 C14 C 0.7261(3) 0.1776(4) 0.6860(2) H14A H 0.7325 0.0927 0.7442 H14B H 0.6158 0.2139 0.6754 C15 C 0.7795(3) 0.0781(4) 0.5938(2) H15A H 0.8855 0.0942 0.5779 C16 C 0.6952(3) -0.0297(4) 0.5321(2) C17 C 0.5239(3) -0.0664(5) 0.5420(2) H17A H 0.5080 -0.1965 0.5583 H17B H 0.4687 -0.0371 0.4784 H17C H 0.4835 0.0106 0.5958 C18 C 0.7679(4) -0.1300(5) 0.4464(2) H18A H 0.8799 -0.1042 0.4470 H18B H 0.7200 -0.0884 0.3826 H18C H 0.7514 -0.2627 0.4539 C19 C 0.6090(3) 0.5621(4) 0.7597(2) H19A H 0.5330 0.4662 0.7415 H19B H 0.6269 0.6399 0.7010 H19C H 0.5690 0.6377 0.8141 #END