Published April 15, 2013 // JCB vol. 201 no. 2 191-200
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201211041

Xenopus oocyte meiosis lacks spindle assembly checkpoint control

Video 1.
Nocodazole causes rapid disassembly of spindle (Fig. 2 A). This oocyte was injected with mRNAs for EMTB-3GFP (green) and mChe-H2B (red), then subjected to confocal imaging (MRC 1024; Bio-Rad Laboratories) 1 h after GVBD (00:00 or hh:mm). Nocodazole was then added to the imaging well (3.3 µM final concentration), and confocal imaging continued at the indicated times. The time intervals are different because this movie consists of several segments, all of the same oocyte, spliced together. The chromosome mass is at the oocyte cortex and the vitelline membrane is clearly visible (with background green speckles) in some frames.