Files in this Data Supplement:
Fig. S1 to S3 and Movie S1 to S3 legends.
PDF, 63K
Fig. S1. mDia1 is specifically enriched at tips of filopodia induced by contact with Borrelia. Fig. S2. Primary human macrophages express the filopodia marker fascin. Fig. S3. Number of attached Borrelia per macrophage under formin knockdown.
PDF, 2.2M
Movie S1. Live cell imaging reveals coiling phagocytosis of B. burgdorferi by a primary human macrophage.
MOV, 12M
Movie S2. The filopodia marker fascin and FMNL1 localize to Borrelia-induced protrusions.
MOV, 779K
Movie S3. The filopodia marker fascin and mDia1 localize to Borrelia-induced protrusions.
MOV, 9.8M