Files in this Data Supplement:
Legends to supplemental figures.
PDF, 13K
Rarefaction curves for bacterial and archaeal pyrosequencing reads (Fig. S1), heatmap showing the relative abundance and distribution of representative 16S rDNA tag sequences classified at the genus level (Fig. S2), RDP classification at the genus level for archaeal amplicons assigned at a 80% confidence level (Fig. S3), PcoA plots (Fig. S4), PCA plots generated in STAMP (Fig. S5), scatter plots (Fig. S6), extended error bars showing the genera significantly different between 2008 and 2010 samples (Fig. S7), and single and double rarefaction curves for bacterial and archaeal pyrosequencing reads (Fig. S8).
PDF, 1.9M
List of barcode tags used to demultiplex the pyrosequencing library (Table S1), Spearman's rank correlation matrix (Table S2), Pearson correlation between the alpha-diversity metrics (Table S3), marginal effects and conditional effects of the environments (Table S4), and output from the DCA analysis (Table S5).
PDF, 41K