ChacónIsidro A.JanzenDaniel H.HallwachsWinnieJ. Bolling SullivanHajibabaei MehrdadCryptic species within cryptic moths: new species of Dunama Schaus (Notodontidae, Nystaleinae) in Costa RicaZookeys6220132013264114510.3897/zookeys.264.4440 Dunama SchausDunama Schaus, 1912: 52.Type species.

Dunama angulinea Schaus, 1912: 52; Draudt 1932: 981; Gaede 1934: 263; Todd 1976: 190–192.


Adults – Small to medium-sized notodontid moths, forewing 10–22 mm, females larger than males; male antenna bipectinate for 4/5 of length with pectinations decreasing toward antennal tip, last 1/5 simple; female antenna simple; palpi upcurved to medial area of frons, second segment 2 x first segment in length, 3rd segment very small and slightly decumbent; scaling appressed; haustellum present, ocelli absent. Thoracic scaling not tightly appressed, without tufts, concolorous with forewing; abdominal scaling appressed, without tufts, concolorous with hindwing. Forewing with M1 from proximal third of narrow accessory cell; hindwing with Sc from middle of cell diverging from Rs and straight; Rs and M1 connate from upper angle and M3 and Cu1 connate from lower angle of the cell. Male terminal tergites distinctive. Male genitalia – Uncus short, rounded, sometimes divided; socii sclerotized, upcurved; valves with costal margin sclerotized, sometimes with projections; anal margin often partially but narrowly sclerotized and usually diagnostic; juxta undifferentiated, transtilla membraneous; phallus well developed, sclerotized, usually extending to uncus and narrowing distally; often with distinct lateral and dorsolateral processes; eighth sternum diagnostic, quadrate basally but often with multiple distal projections. Female genitalia – Ovipositor lobes large, often sclerotized, ostia sclerotized, ductus and corpus bursae reduced, membranous and without signa. Larvae – Brightly colored, feeding on monocots.

DraudtM (1932) Die Amerikanischen Spinner und Schwämer. Vol. 6. In: Seitz A (1913–1940) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde.Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Amerikanischen Faunengebietes. Alfred Kernen, Stuttgard, 358 pp.GaedeM (1934) Notodontidae.Lepidopterorum catalogus. Junk, Gravenhage, 351 pp.ToddEL (1976) A revision of the genus Dunama Schaus (Notodontidae).Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 30: 188-196.