Published July 8, 2013 // JCB vol. 202 no. 1 25-33
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201304031

Augmin-dependent microtubule nucleation at microtubule walls in the spindle

Video 1.
Rod-shaped end-links found in control cells. Five examples of the rod-shaped end-link between an MT closed end and the lattice of an adjacent MT. Displayed are seven serial slices (1.4-nm-thick slice/frame) and ±10° Y-rotation images (1°/frame). Arrows indicate the end-links on the view where they are most visible. Red crosses in the bottom row indicate tips of closed ends and rotation axes. Images at the top display manual traces of a part of the mother MT wall (green) and the capped end of a daughter MT (magenta). The 3DMOD program in the IMOD software package was used for producing tomographic slices and rotating tomograms. ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health) was used for making the video from image sequences.