Supplementary Materials RNAsnp: Efficient detection of local RNA secondary structure changes induced by SNPs Radhakrishnan Sabarinathan, Hakim Tafer, Stefan E. Seemann, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler and Jan Gorodkin 1Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Figure S1 - The graphical representation illustrates the base pairing probability matrix of a sequence. Each cell [i,j] contains the base pairing probability of i with j, i.e. Pij . We employed a recursive method to add all the probabilities along the row, which helps for the faster computation of position-wise pairing probabilities (pi). Consider [k, l] is a sequence interval k < i < l, and denotes Mi,k and Ni,l the probabilities that i has a pairing partner in the interval [k, i − 1] and the interval [i + 1, l], resp. These auxiliary variables satisfy Mi,k = Mi,k−1 + Pki and Ni,l = Ni,l+1 + Pil. Obviously, for all k < i < l we have pii[k, l] = Mi,k + Ni,l. Also, we can directly compute the expected number of base pairs inside and outside the substructure, Jkl and Ekl, resp. 2Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5 alpha p−v alue X Mean Figure S2 - The data set of 30 SNPs with reported structural effects was used to test the effect of different α values ranging from 1 to 5 in steps of 1. The α parameter determines the ratio between the expected number of base pairs inside (Jkl) a local interval [k, l], compared to the expected numbers of base pairs (Ek,l) cross the boundaries of the interval. The box plot shows the distribution of p-values for the 30 known SNPs changes for the different α values. As expected, the increase in mean p-value correlate with increase in the α value, because the higher the alpha value the greater the increase in expected number of base pairs inside the [k, l] compare to the outside. This eventually results in the selection of larger interval [k, l] for comparison and thus the measure of local structural effect become less significance. Thus, the α=1 is chosen as default. 3Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Figure S3 - Schematic representation of RNAplfold base pairing probability matrix calculated for a window of 400 nts centering the SNP position. The region highlighted in dark gray is used for the initial screen to find the position k that maximizes d2(k)(P, P ∗). The local window (LW) ranges from k to k + h′ + h′′, where h′ = 20 and h′′ = 120. The LW contains the interval [u, v] from which the optimized distance measure (d♯) is obtained. d(P, P∗) 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.97 r(P, P∗) 0.98 0.97 d(pi, pi∗) 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.98 0.99 0.98 r(pi, pi∗) 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 d(ξ< >, ξ < > ∗) 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.97 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.98 r(ξ< >, ξ< > ∗) 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.68 0.65 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.65 0.67 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.66 0.62 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 δ Figure S4 - The correlation between global(dis)similarity measures was computed using the data set of 7000 random sequences of length 400 and considered SNPs at 200 position. The measures distance(d) and correlation coefficient(r) computed on various base pairing probabilities (P - full base pairing probabilities, pi - position-wise pairing probabilities, ξ<> - position-wise, distinguished up- and down-stream paring prob- abilities), correlate with each other. However, these measures does not correlate well with the Euclidean distance (δ) computed between the distribution of wild-type and mutant structures. 4Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.08 Figure S5 - Comparison of rank-based p-values and fitted p-values for a set of 5000 random numbers. The p-values are calculated from the background distribution of length 400nts, G+C content between 50 and 60% and the SNP position at 200 position. In all four cases, the comparison of rank-based p-value versus the fitted p-value shows high correlation (r>0.9). The inset figure shows the comparison of p-values which are less than 0.1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Effect of different minimum lengths Distance Density minLen 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Effect of different minimum lengths Correlation Coefficient Density minLen 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure S6 - The effect of minimum length on dmax/RNAfold and rmin/RNAfold was tested with different cut-off values. In both cases, the length cut-off 50 shows the unimodal distribution. 5Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 d # R NAp lfold r # R NAp lfold c.[51A>G;..] n.[8953C>A;..] c.−12C>G c.−867G>T c.−697G>C c.36C>T c.−764G>A c.903T>C c.*310T>A c.[*26A>T ;..] c.−853C>G c.*297A>C c.*260C>G c.*102A>C n.190T>G c.1007G>C n.255C>G c.*1330C>G n.8546G>A c.−52A>G c.−149G>C c.*218C>T n.15G>A n.229G>A c.−798G>C c.*72A>G c.455T>C c.−29G>C c.*463T>G c.*1969T>C SNPs p−v alue Figure S7 - The significance of structural effects as predicted by d♯/RNAplfold and r♯/RNAplfold for the 30 known SNPs. The p-values are shown as bars and the red dashed line represents the selected threshold value 0.1. The four experimentally validated examples are indicated in green. The SNPs were described according to HGVS nomenclature. 6Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation MFE bp_prob 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 d_max/RNAfold MFE bp_prob 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r_min/RNAfold p = 0.29 p = 0.33 Figure S8 - The data set of 30 SNPs with reported structural effects was used to compare the local measures dmax and rmin based on base pairing probability of structural ensemble and the base pairs of minimum free energy (MFE) structure, which was calculated using RNAfold. The box plot shows the distribution of p-values for the 30 known SNPs obtained for the two measures. The p-values from the local measures based on the structural ensemble are in general smaller than the p-values derived from the MFE structure. The comparison of two p-value distributions using Wilcoxon rank sum test, however, shows no significant difference (P>0.2) for either of the dmax or rmin measures. This may be explained by the fact that the available data set SNPs are small. 7Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation M AF>40% MAF<1% disease−SNPs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 d_max/RNAfold MAF>40% MAF<1% disease−SNPs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r_min/RNAfold MAF>40% MAF<1% disease−SNPs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 SNPfold p = 0.279 p = 0.937 p = 0.741 p = 0.335 p = 0.556 p = 0.678 Figure S9 - The box plots show the distribution of p-values calculated for three different data sets that are equal in number of SNPs (n=501) obtained from a) HapMap database with minor allele frequency greater than 40%, b) dbSNP (build 135) with minor allele frequency less than 1% and c) disease-associated SNPs from Human Gene mutation Database (HDMD). The structural effect of these SNPs were predicted with RNAsnp (Mode 1) and SNPfold [Halvorsen et al., 2010]. For each structural (dis)similarity measure, the difference between the p-value distribution of the three data sets were compared using Wilcoxon rank sum test. It shows that P-value of the wilcoxon rank sum test are higher than the significant level of 0.01 and suggests that there is no significant difference between the p-value distributions of three different SNP data sets. The same scenario was observed in the case of global measure, SNPfold. 8Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S1 - An overview of 30 SNPs with reported structural effect on RNA secondary structure. The SNPs were described according to HGVS nomenclature. Disease/Phenotype Gene Refseq SNP Validation Reference Alteration of RNA replication in HCV NS5B AJ238799.1 n.[8953C>A;8955T>G] experimental [1] Tumor formation p53 NM 001126114.2 c.[51A>G;54A>C;57T>C] experimental [2] HIV-1 resistance against RNAi Nef K02013.1 n.8546G>A experimental [3] Alteration of alanyl tRNA synthetase expression in human AARS D32050.1 c.903T>C experimental [4] Cowden Syndrome PTEN NM 000314.4 c.-867G>T predicted [5] c.-853C>G predicted c.-798G>C predicted c.-764G>A predicted Occult-hepatitis B virus infection - EU155893.1 n.190T>G predicted [6] Psychiatric disorders TPH2 NM 173353.3 c.-52A>G predicted [7] Diurnal preference PER2 NM 022817.2 c.-12C>G predicted [8] Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Risk TLR4 NM 138554.4 c.1007G>C predicted [9] Alteration in localization of rat MT1 mRNA MT1 NM 138826.4 c.[*26A>T;*27G>C; 28G>C;*29T>A;*30G>C] predicted [10] Cone Dystrophy PDE6H NM 006205.2 c.-29G>C predicted [11] Congenital heart disease GATA4 NM 002052.3 c.*260C>G predicted [12] c.*218C>T predicted Antipsychotic induced weight gain HTR2C NM 000868.2 c.-697G>C predicted [13] Muscular dystrophies SGCG U34976.1 c.*102A>C predicted [14] Pain sensitivity COMT NM 007310.2 c.36C>T predicted [15] Alteration of plasma zymogen TAFI concentration CPB2 NM 001872.3 c.*310T>A predicted [16] c.*72A>G predicted Anauxetic dysplasia RMRP NR 003051.3 n.255C>G predicted [17] n.15G>A predicted Mental retardation CDK5R1 NM 003885.2 c.*1330C>G predicted [18] Alteration of RNA translation in HCV-1b IRES EU857431.1 n.229G>A predicted [19] Hyperferritinaemia cataract syndrome FTL NM 000146.3 c.-149G>C predicted [20] Resistance to Hirschsprung disease RET NM 020975.4 c.*1969T>C predicted [21] Ischemic Cardiomyopathy ADORA1 NM 000674.2 c.*297A>C predicted [22] Neuropsychiatric disorders SLC6A4 NM 001045.4 c.*463T>G predicted [23] Cutaneous melanoma BMP4 NM 001202.3 c.455T>C predicted [24] 9Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Results of Rchange analysis In contrast to the RNA mutation analysis programs (like RNAsnp) based on base pairing probability, the program Rchange [Kiryu and Asai , 2012] was recently developed to predict the structural effect based on the changes in the energy of RNA secondary structures in response to the single or double mutations. This program was tested on our data set of four known SNPs whose structural effect has been experimentally verified. Since, the program can handle either single or double mutants, only three out of the four known SNPs were tested successfully. Rchange computed the changes in thermodynamic entropy (S), mean energy (U) and ensemble free energy (F ) between the wild-type and mutant RNA secondary structures. In order to compute the significance value, the RNA sequence of each SNP was shuffled ten times and subjected each of them with Rchange to compute the energy difference for the random mutations. Using this result as background distribution, the p-value is estimated using a non-parametric approach for the results of known SNPs (Table S2). Table S2 shows that the RNAsnp predicted only one SNP (n.8546G>A) have high structural effect based on the dS/S and dF/|F | measures. Table S2 - The results of Rchange for the three out of four SNPs with reported structural effect. The measures dS/S, dU/|U | and dF/|F | represents, respectively, the difference in the thermodynamic entropy of RNA secondary structures, mean energy and ensemble free energy between the wild-type and mutant RNAs. The p-value with less than 0.1 significance level are highlighted with bold text. Rchange RNAsnp dS/S dU/|U| dF/|F | dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Ref Gene Accession SNP (p-value) (p-value) (p-value) (p-value) (p-value) 1 NS5B AJ238799.1 n.[8953C>A;8955T>G] 0.911 0.802 0.729 0.074 0.121 2 AARS D32050.1 c.903T>C 0.327 0.317 0.303 0.072 0.093 3 Nef K02013.1 n.8546G>A 0.050 0.590 0.089 0.094 0.083 10Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S3 - List of disease associated SNPs from HGMD that are predicted to have significant local structural effect (p-value < 0.1) by dmax/RNAfold or rmin/RNAfold of RNAsnp (Mode 1). The SNPs were described according to HGVS nomenclature. HGMD Genbank p-value Disease/phenotype Gene Accession Accession SNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Pseudohypoaldosteronism NR3C2 CR030126 NM 000901.4 c.-2C>G 0.017 0.022 Hypertension EDN2 CR994679 NM 001956.3 c.*390G>A 0.036 0.021 Obesity CNR1 CR073542 NM 033181.3 c.*2394A>G 0.032 0.036 Myocardial infarction GP1BA CR022116 NM 000173.5 c.-5T>C 0.040 0.037 Colorectal cancer INSR CR082021 NM 001079817.1 c.*104A>G 0.042 0.030 Graves’ disease FCRL3 CR067134 NM 052939.3 c.-11G>C 0.011 0.042 Increased triglyceride levels ABCA1 CR025352 NM 005502.3 c.-279C>G 0.044 0.022 Insulin resistance hypertension RETN CR032443 NM 020415.3 c.*62G>A 0.045 0.043 Cartilage-Hair hypoplasia RMRP CR063417 NR 003051.3 n.215A>G 0.048 0.027 Hypercholesterolaemia LDLR CR971948 NM 000527.4 c.-14C>A 0.025 0.048 Glaucoma CYP1B1 CR032431 NM 000104.3 c.-286C>T 0.063 0.036 Reduced transcriptional activity NR3C1 CR016150 NM 001024094.1 c.-219C>A 0.044 0.063 HDL cholesterol levels LIPG CR032437 NM 006033.2 c.*482A>G 0.051 0.065 Factor VII deficiency F7 CR090334 NM 019616.2 c.-44T>C 0.066 0.042 HaemophiliaA F8 CR070421 NM 000132.3 c.-112G>A 0.074 0.010 Cartilage-Hair hypoplasia RMRP CR064472 NR 003051.3 n.10T>C 0.076 0.024 VonHippel-Lindau syndrome VHL CR011856 NM 000551.3 c.*7C>G 0.076 0.065 Obesity SLC6A14 CR035766 NM 007231.3 c.*178C>G 0.078 0.062 Spasticparaplegia31 REEP1 CR082030 NM 022912.2 c.*14C>T 0.033 0.081 Hyperferritinaemia-cataract syndrome FTL CR061334 NM 000146.3 c.-178T>G 0.052 0.097 Severe iron overload ALAS2 CR090059 NM 001037968.3 c.-69C>T 0.078 0.390 Systemic lupus erythematosus CRP CR040151 NM 000567.2 c.*1082G>A 0.048 0.316 Migraine EDNRA CR011854 NM 001957.3 c.-67G>A 0.053 0.106 Hyperferritinaemia-cataract syndrome FTL HR030029 NM 000146.3 c.-171C>G 0.100 0.354 Cholesterol level GHRL CR065638 NR 024132.1 n.316G>C 0.056 0.110 Colorectal cancer MLH1 CR033148 NM 000249.3 c.-28A>T 0.097 0.140 Panencephalitis MX1 CR040301 NM 002462.3 c.-434G>T 0.058 0.258 Lipoprotein/Triglyceride levels PCK1 CR054265 NM 002591.3 c.*431T>C 0.084 0.103 Cowden disease PTEN CR032094 NM 000314.4 c.-930G>A 0.019 0.109 Diabetes PTEN CR033149 NM 000314.4 c.-8C>G 0.098 0.266 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease SERPINA1 CR061339 NM 001127701.1 c.-458C>T 0.079 0.129 Haemochromatosis SLC40A1 CR057017 NM 014585.5 c.-187A>G 0.045 0.282 11Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S3 - continued HGMD Genbank p-value Disease/phenotype Gene Accession Accession SNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Aplastic anaemia TERC CR057475 NR 001566.1 n.117A>C 0.035 0.223 Aplastic anaemia TERC CR080776 NR 001566.1 n.2G>C 0.082 0.198 Chondrocalcinosis ANKH CR057902 NM 054027.4 c.-4G>A 0.131 0.029 Factor XI deficiency F11 CR064469 NM 000128.3 c.-54G>A 0.124 0.069 Factor VII deficiency F7 CR002894 NM 019616.2 c.-30A>C 0.150 0.076 IPEX syndrome FOXP3 CR063404 NM 001114377.1 c.-7G>T 0.116 0.067 Decreased expression GCH1 CR075245 NM 000161.2 c.*243C>T 0.148 0.065 Frontotemporal dementia? GRN CR072310 NM 002087.2 c.-72G>T 0.178 0.054 Hypercholesterolaemia LDLR CR042574 NM 000527.4 c.-153C>T 0.116 0.059 Hypercholesterolaemia LDLR CR951555 NM 000527.4 c.-138T>C 0.170 0.091 Cellular response to cadmium MT2A CR066330 NM 005953.3 c.-77A>G 0.126 0.053 Reduced expression NEIL2 CR085800 NM 145043.2 c.-586C>G 0.126 0.091 Schizophrenia NOS1 CR025919 NM 000620.4 c.*276C>T 0.181 0.059 Decr.serum leptin levels in lean indiv. POMC CR035490 NM 000939.2 c.*63C>T 0.227 0.092 Hirschsprung disease RET CR951557 NM 020975.4 c.-27C>G 0.173 0.095 Cartilage-Hair hypoplasia RMRP CR012677 NR 003051.3 n.263G>T 0.130 0.051 RMRP CR021393 NR 003051.3 n.183G>C 0.135 0.085 RMRP CR021394 NR 003051.3 n.212C>G 0.182 0.067 RMRP CR054268 NR 003051.3 n.183G>T 0.136 0.085 RMRP CR054277 NR 003051.3 n.214C>G 0.108 0.039 Pancreatitis SPINK1 CR001469 NM 003122.3 c.-53C>T 0.121 0.020 Nasopharyngeal cancer TLR4 CR068105 NR 024168.1 n.3938G>C 0.210 0.083 12Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S4 - List of disease associated SNPs from GWASdb that are predicted to have significant local structural effect by dmax/RNAplfold (p < 0.4) and dmax/RNAfold (p < 0.1) of RNAsnp (with mode 3). The SNPs were described according to HGVS nomenclature. Ensembl p-value Disease/phenotype id UTR dbSNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000373055 3 rs7822:T>C 0.0290 0.0199 Lapatinib-induced hepatotoxicity ENST00000360403 5 rs489676:C>G 0.0391 0.0925 Alzheimer‘s disease (late onset) ENST00000368485 3 rs7514452:C>T 0.1847 0.0984 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000368476 3 rs11264221:C>T 0.1611 0.0356 Ischemic stroke;Stroke ENST00000329117 3 rs11360:A>G 0.0594 0.0514 Systemic lupus erythematosus ENST00000255030 3 rs1205:G>A 0.2241 0.0477 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000333360 3 rs5357:T>C 0.0896 0.0296 Alcohol dependence ENST00000319387 3 rs4233175:A>G 0.3642 0.0883 Sudden cardiac arrest ENST00000260585 3 rs3820937:G>C 0.2935 0.0826 GWAS of height-adjusted highest forced expiratory volume in a British population ENST00000379066 3 rs1056021:T>C 0.0021 0.0074 Urinary metabolites ENST00000426016 3 rs6704656:T>A 0.2238 0.0903 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ENST00000306448 5 rs896210:C>T 0.0394 0.0739 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000306503 3 rs17823065:T>C 0.0364 0.0249 Parkinson‘s disease; Multiple complex diseases ENST00000254630 3 rs11395:T>C 0.3539 0.0370 Urinary metabolites ENST00000259213 3 rs4849142:C>T 0.0335 0.0690 Parkinson‘s disease ENST00000338983 3 rs8446:T>C 0.0482 0.0939 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000443029 5 rs2290536:T>G 0.3384 0.0222 Urinary metabolites ENST00000357632 3 rs17765088:C>G 0.0043 0.0108 Lung adenocarcinoma ENST00000433104 3 rs3172494:C>A 0.0015 0.0166 Serum calcium ENST00000344337 3 rs17201246:G>T 0.3573 0.0712 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000305097 3 rs16864613:C>G 0.1268 0.0405 Alzheimer‘s disease (late onset) ENST00000337774 3 rs3821801:A>G 0.0123 0.0753 Serum uric acid;Serum urate ENST00000326756 3 rs3217:G>A 0.0439 0.0363 GWAS of systolic blood pressure in a British population ENST00000344157 3 rs2293595:A>G 0.1178 0.0504 Serum uric acid ENST00000237596 3 rs2728121:C>T 0.0631 0.0182 Parkinson‘s disease ENST00000394989 3 rs3857053:G>A 0.1326 0.0566 Alcohol dependence ENST00000515683 3 rs2298753:A>G 0.0012 0.0072 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000285311 3 rs17509643:C>G 0.1033 0.0770 potassium response to spironolactone ENST00000355292 5 rs2070951:C>G 0.0466 0.0167 Alzheimer‘s disease (late onset) ENST00000061240 3 rs2279723:C>A 0.0611 0.0564 Alzheimer‘s disease (late onset) ENST00000284274 3 rs25952:A>C 0.1341 0.0659 Thrombosis ENST00000356834 3 rs1298:C>T 0.0129 0.0907 13Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S4 - continued Ensembl p-value Disease/phenotype id UTR dbSNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Common traits (Other) ENST00000380956 3 rs1050975:G>A 0.1541 0.0154 Phospholipid levels (plasma) ENST00000354666 3 rs4532436:G>C 0.0171 0.0486 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000383555 3 rs2073149:A>T 0.0943 0.0114 Lung adenocarcinoma;Rheumatoid Arthritis ENST00000376883 5 rs2535238:G>T 0.0419 0.0468 Rheumatoid arthritis;Lung cancer ENST00000449742 3 rs2257914:G>T 0.0303 0.0103 Rheumatoid Arthritis ENST00000375015 3 rs482194:T>C 0.0844 0.0795 Rheumatoid Arthritis ENST00000395388 5 rs14004:C>A 0.2745 0.0265 Serum metabolites; Multiple complex diseases; Multiple sclerosis ENST00000395388 3 rs7194:G>A 0.3531 0.0417 HIV-1 control ENST00000374897 3 rs241454:T>C 0.1504 0.0461 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000374680 3 rs2744537:T>G 0.1538 0.0268 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000482399 3 rs461338:A>G 0.1284 0.0420 Prostatic Neoplasms;height ENST00000311565 5 rs2016520:C>T 0.2705 0.0659 Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity and mass ENST00000544460 3 rs12528857:C>A 0.3672 0.0645 Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity ENST00000369838 3 rs1062793:A>G 0.0807 0.0925 Coronary heart disease; ENST00000367882 3 rs12190287:C>G 0.0345 0.0622 Bone mineral density (spine) ENST00000367290 3 rs6932603:T>C 0.1815 0.0227 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000222792 3 rs1420145:C>G 0.0090 0.0138 Aortic root size;Aortic root size ENST00000360415 3 rs875971:T>C 0.2875 0.0137 Major depressive disorder ENST00000005178 3 rs11531570:C>T 0.3857 0.0633 Alzheimer‘s disease ENST00000205402 3 rs4564:G>A 0.1477 0.0272 Glaucoma (primary open-angle) ENST00000222693 3 rs1052990:T>G 0.0436 0.0439 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ENST00000466675 3 rs4721:A>C 0.0507 0.0936 Information processing speed ENST00000401878 3 rs2007922:G>A 0.0018 0.0169 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000256255 3 rs3189926:T>G 0.1546 0.0134 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000342228 3 rs6841:C>G 0.0352 0.0934 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000289957 5 rs4950:G>A 0.0926 0.0633 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000521271 3 rs1044730:C>T 0.0089 0.0812 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ENST00000297848 3 rs2429:G>T 0.1519 0.0903 Parkinson‘s disease ENST00000314393 3 rs3802266:A>G 0.3048 0.0906 Other erythrocyte phenotypes; Multiple complex diseases ENST00000381750 3 rs1053872:G>C 0.0308 0.0516 Parkinson‘s disease (age of onset) ENST00000374193 3 rs10817478:A>G 0.0629 0.0215 Proinsulin levels ENST00000372155 3 rs306549:G>C 0.0282 0.0752 Achilles tendinopathy ENST00000371817 3 rs12722:C>T 0.1740 0.0536 14Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S4 - continued Ensembl p-value Disease/phenotype id UTR dbSNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Multiple complex diseases ENST00000446108 3 rs8463:A>G 0.0289 0.0987 Cognitive test performance; Hirschsprung‘s disease ENST00000355710 3 rs17028:C>T 0.0768 0.0330 Urinary metabolites ENST00000333254 5 rs41386650:A>G 0.1587 0.0961 Type II Diabetes Mellitus ENST00000396952 3 rs10500609:A>G 0.0848 0.0705 Rheumatoid Arthritis, cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) positive ENST00000318950 3 rs360136:C>A 0.0226 0.0651 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000361905 3 rs16911839:C>G 0.0188 0.0363 Amyloid A Levels ENST00000396253 3 rs12416821:T>C 0.0472 0.0243 Type II Diabetes Mellitus ENST00000327470 3 rs10500938:C>T 0.3011 0.0968 Urinary metabolites ENST00000321505 3 rs7123662:A>T 0.0837 0.0352 GWAS of log10 serum total immunoglobulin E concentration in a British population ENST00000353172 3 rs3824865:A>G 0.0716 0.0923 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000279441 3 rs470171:C>G 0.0841 0.0443 Cardiovascular disease risk factors ENST00000530849 3 rs1047964:G>C 0.1902 0.0221 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000357529 3 rs9783460:C>A 0.3374 0.0609 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin ENST00000318602 5 rs226380:T>G 0.0111 0.0445 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000486433 3 rs2638315:C>G 0.0073 0.0597 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000378485 3 rs17251627:A>G 0.2998 0.0355 Insulin resistance/response ENST00000360185 3 rs7314498:G>A 0.0363 0.0663 Type 1 diabetes; Multiple complex diseases ENST00000550722 3 rs3519:C>T 0.2340 0.0653 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000382298 5 rs17078720:A>G 0.3550 0.0404 Parkinson‘s disease ENST00000554271 3 rs7560:T>G 0.1258 0.0516 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000335725 3 rs9488:C>T 0.0698 0.0283 Breast Neoplasms ENST00000396402 3 rs4646:T>G 0.2089 0.0501 Smoking behavior;Lung cancer; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;Lung adenocarcinoma ENST00000258886 3 rs1062980:T>C 0.0270 0.0121 Smoking behavior; ENST00000044462 5 rs3813570:T>C 0.0043 0.0542 Lung adenocarcinoma ENST00000261751 3 rs1948:T>C 0.0888 0.0615 Longevity ENST00000284382 3 rs12914235:A>G 0.2592 0.0202 Insulin-like growth factors ENST00000262302 3 rs1065656:C>G 0.0116 0.0687 Insulin resistance/response ENST00000318282 3 rs30126:C>T 0.1501 0.0382 Multiple complex diseases ENST00000540146 3 rs1054028:T>C 0.0105 0.0231 Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated ENST00000324015 3 rs1057355:G>T 0.1312 0.0889 Allergic rhinitis ENST00000322957 3 rs3192453:G>C 0.2871 0.0622 Myopia (pathological) ENST00000306329 3 rs3744975:C>T 0.0033 0.0194 15Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation Table S4 - continued Ensembl p-value Disease/phenotype id UTR dbSNP dmax/RNAfold rmin/RNAfold Bladder cancer ENST00000436407 5 rs10432193:T>C 0.0618 0.0533 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000334889 3 rs9947104:T>C 0.0199 0.0908 Gallstone disease ENST00000251047 3 rs1043334:A>C 0.2259 0.0403 Alcohol dependence ENST00000302850 3 rs1864193:G>T 0.1657 0.0978 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000222249 3 rs1057261:A>G 0.1008 0.0751 Urinary Tract Infections; Vesico-Ureteral Reflux ENST00000243578 3 rs1800468:G>A 0.1071 0.0814 Alcohol dependence; ENST00000300843 3 rs344797:T>G 0.0037 0.0745 Multiple continuous traits in DGI samples ENST00000262919 3 rs432647:T>C 0.1697 0.0284 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder ENST00000246006 3 rs7492:T>C 0.0380 0.0311 Plasma levels of Protein C ENST00000246186 3 rs6060341:A>G 0.3550 0.0963 Parkinson‘s disease; ENST00000244061 3 rs6125829:G>T 0.0446 0.0674 GWAS of bipolar disorder in the Japanese population ENST00000284987 3 rs229070:C>G 0.3589 0.0856 16Sabarinathan et al., Human Mutation References [1] You S, Stump DD, Branch AD, Rice CM. 2004. 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