Video 1.
Composite of representative time-lapse movies of transport of Alexa Fluor 488–labeled h RNA in WT and clip190KO/Df-null mutant embryos (tangential views). WT, left; clip190 mutant, right; apical (minus ends) is up and basal (plus ends) down. h RNA (white) accumulates apically with similar efficiency in both genotypes. RNA anchorage in the apical cytoplasm is also not inhibited in clip190 mutant embryos. Video has a duration of 3 min 58 s and a height corresponding to 35.5 µm. One frame was captured every 297 ms with a spinning disk microscope (Ultraview ERS; PerkinElmer) equipped with a 60×/1.2 NA UPlanApo water objective. Images were captured at ∼22°C.