function [per_model comparison]=compareModels(varargin) % compareModels: a tool for comparing versions of the Consensus % Reconstruction. For now, good for comparing 2 models. % % Tested with: % Yeast 5 - doi:10.1186/1752-0509-6-55 % Yeast 6 - (to be published) % % Input: % models A structure containing COBRA Toolbox-format yeast models % (e.g. models(1)=Y5; models(2)=Y6;). This code currently % compares the first 2 models. % % results (optional) % If a structure of results generated from testYeast.m is % provided, compareModels will run the comparison on this % structure. If not, compareModels will call testYeast using % the models in the models structure. % % Output: % per_model a structure containing the following fields for each model: % description = model.description % medium = medium used % genes = number of genes in model % dubious = number of dubious ORFs in model % metabolites = number of metabolites in model % reactions = number of reactions in model % blocked = number of blocked reactions % TP = numer of true positive KO predictions (model predicts % growth when nonessential genes are deleted) % TN = numer of true negative KO predictions % FP = numer of false positive KO predictions % FN = numer of false negative KO predictions % sensitivity = recall = tp/(tp+fn) % specificity = tn/(tn+fp) % PPV = positive predictive value = precision = tp/(tp+fp) % NPV = negative predictive value = tn/(fn+tn) % mean = geometric mean accuracy = (sensitivity + specificity /2) % auxotrophs = auxotroph-inducing genes in model % auxotroph_correct = number of auxotrophs correctly predicted % auxotroph_viable = auxotrophs incorrectly predicted to be % viable in miminal media % auxotroph_inviable = auxotrophs incorrectly predicted to be % inviable in supplemented media % % comparison a structure containing the following lists as cell arrays: % common_mets % unique_mets_1 % unique_mets_2 % common_rxns % unique_rxns_1 % unique_rxns_2 % common_genes % unique_genes_1 % unique_genes_2 % common_TP % unique_TP_1 % unique_TP_2 % common_TN % unique_TN_1 % unique_TN_2 % common_FP % unique_FP_1 % unique_FP_2 % common_FN % unique_FN_1 % unique_FN_2 % common_auxotrophs % unique_auxotrophs_1 % unique_auxotrophs_2 % common_auxotrophs_correct % unique_auxotrophs_correct_1 % unique_auxotrophs_correct_2 % common_auxotrophs_viable % unique_auxotrophs_viable_1 % unique_auxotrophs_viable_2 % common_auxotrophs_inviable % unique_auxotrophs_inviable_1 % unique_auxotrophs_inviable_2 % same_lb_constraints - shared reactions with same lb constraints % differing_lb_constraints - shared reactions with different lb constraints % same_ub_constraints - shared reactions with same ub constraints % differing_ub_constraints - shared reactions with different ub constraints % written BH 7 Feb 2013 %% citation % % please cite: Heavner, Benjamin D., Kieran Smallbone, Nathan Price, and % Larry P. Walker. “Version 6 of the Consensus Yeast Metabolic Network % Refines Biochemical Coverage and Improves Model Performance.” %% process input arguments % 2 inputs at most numvarargs = length(varargin); if numvarargs > 2 error('myfuns:comparemodels:TooManyInputs', ... 'requires at most 2 inputs'); end models = varargin{1}; if numvarargs == 2; results = varargin{2}; end if length(models) > 2 fprintf('\ncompareModels will compare the first two models.\n'); end if length(models) < 2 error('Need at least 2 models to compare.\n'); end %% test models if ~exist('results','var') for index=1:length(models) results(index) = testYeast(models(index), 0, 1, 0); end end %% build per_model per_model = struct([]); for index=1:length(results) per_model(index).description = results(index).description; per_model(index).medium = results(index).medium; per_model(index).genes = length(models(index).genes); per_model(index).dubious = length(results(index).dubious); per_model(index).metabolites = length(models(index).mets); per_model(index).reactions = length(models(index).rxns); if isfield(results(index),'blocked') per_model(index).blocked = length(results(index).blocked); end per_model(index).TP = length(results(index).TP); per_model(index).TN = length(results(index).TN); per_model(index).FP = length(results(index).FP); per_model(index).FN = length(results(index).FN); per_model(index).sensitivity = ... per_model(index).TP/(per_model(index).TP + per_model(index).FN); per_model(index).sensitivity = per_model(index).sensitivity * 100; per_model(index).specificity = ... per_model(index).TN/(per_model(index).TN + per_model(index).FP); per_model(index).specificity = per_model(index).specificity * 100; per_model(index).PPV = ... per_model(index).TP/(per_model(index).TP + per_model(index).FP); per_model(index).PPV = per_model(index).PPV * 100; per_model(index).NPV = ... per_model(index).TN/(per_model(index).TN + per_model(index).FN); per_model(index).NPV = per_model(index).NPV * 100; per_model(index).mean = ... (per_model(index).sensitivity + per_model(index).specificity)/2; per_model(index).auxotrophs = length(results(index).auxotrophs); per_model(index).auxotroph_correct = ... length(results(index).auxotrophs) - ... length(results(index).auxotroph_viable) - ... length(results(index).auxotroph_inviable); per_model(index).auxotroph_viable = ... length(results(index).auxotroph_viable); per_model(index).auxotroph_inviable = ... length(results(index).auxotroph_inviable); end %% build comparison comparison = struct('common_mets',{intersect(models.mets)}); comparison.unique_mets_1 = setdiff(models(1).mets,models(2).mets); comparison.unique_mets_2 = setdiff(models(2).mets,models(1).mets); comparison.common_rxns = intersect(models.rxns); comparison.unique_rxns_1 = setdiff(models(1).rxns,models(2).rxns); comparison.unique_rxns_2 = setdiff(models(2).rxns,models(1).rxns); comparison.common_genes = intersect(models.genes); comparison.unique_genes_1 = setdiff(models(1).genes,models(2).genes); comparison.unique_genes_2 = setdiff(models(2).genes,models(1).genes); comparison.common_TP = intersect(results.TP); comparison.unique_TP_1 = setdiff(results(1).TP,results(2).TP); comparison.unique_TP_2 = setdiff(results(2).TP,results(1).TP); comparison.common_TN = intersect(results.TN); comparison.unique_TN_1 = setdiff(results(1).TN,results(2).TN); comparison.unique_TN_2 = setdiff(results(2).TN,results(1).TN); comparison.common_FP = intersect(results.FP); comparison.unique_FP_1 = setdiff(results(1).FP,results(2).FP); comparison.unique_FP_2 = setdiff(results(2).FP,results(1).FP); comparison.common_FN = intersect(results.FN); comparison.unique_FN_1 = setdiff(results(1).FN,results(2).FN); comparison.unique_FN_2 = setdiff(results(2).FN,results(1).FN); comparison.common_auxotrophs = intersect(results.auxotrophs); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_1 = setdiff(results(1).auxotrophs, ... results(2).auxotrophs); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_2 = setdiff(results(2).auxotrophs, ... results(1).auxotrophs); %have to calculate which auxotroph predictions are correct correct_auxotrophs_1 = setdiff(results(1).auxotrophs,... union(results(1).auxotroph_viable,results(1).auxotroph_inviable)); correct_auxotrophs_2 = setdiff(results(2).auxotrophs,... union(results(2).auxotroph_viable,results(2).auxotroph_inviable)); comparison.common_correct_auxotrophs = intersect(correct_auxotrophs_1, ... correct_auxotrophs_2); comparison.unique_correct_auxotrophs_1 = setdiff(correct_auxotrophs_1, ... correct_auxotrophs_2); comparison.unique_correct_auxotrophs_2 = setdiff(correct_auxotrophs_2, ... correct_auxotrophs_1); comparison.common_auxotrophs_viable = intersect(results.auxotroph_viable); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_viable_1 = ... setdiff(results(1).auxotroph_viable, results(2).auxotroph_viable); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_viable_2 = ... setdiff(results(2).auxotroph_viable, results(1).auxotroph_viable); comparison.common_auxotrophs_inviable = ... intersect(results.auxotroph_inviable); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_inviable_1 = ... setdiff(results(1).auxotroph_inviable,results(2).auxotroph_inviable); comparison.unique_auxotrophs_inviable_2 = ... setdiff(results(2).auxotroph_inviable,results(1).auxotroph_inviable); %compare constraints rxnIndexes1 = findRxnIDs(models(1),comparison.common_rxns); rxnIndexes2 = findRxnIDs(models(2),comparison.common_rxns); same_lb_indexes = rxnIndexes1(models(1).lb(rxnIndexes1) == ... models(2).lb(rxnIndexes2)); differing_lb_indexes = rxnIndexes1(~(models(1).lb(rxnIndexes1) == ... models(2).lb(rxnIndexes2))); comparison.same_lb_constraints = models(1).rxns(same_lb_indexes); comparison.differing_lb_constraints = models(1).rxns(differing_lb_indexes); same_ub_indexes = rxnIndexes1(models(1).ub(rxnIndexes1) == ... models(2).ub(rxnIndexes2)); differing_ub_indexes = rxnIndexes1(~(models(1).ub(rxnIndexes1) == ... models(2).ub(rxnIndexes2))); comparison.same_ub_constraints = models(1).rxns(same_ub_indexes); comparison.differing_ub_constraints = models(1).rxns(differing_ub_indexes);