Files in this Data Supplement:
Legends to Videos S1 to S7
PDF, 52K
Video S1 (Control HeLa cells)
MOV, 455K
Video S2 (PTTG1-expressing cells)
MOV, 500K
Video S3 (Degradation of APC/C biosensor in control cells)
MOV, 347K
Video S4 (Mitotic exit in ESP1-expressing cells)
MOV, 1.1M
Video S5 (Mitotic exit in PTTG1H134R-expressing cells)
MOV, 861K
Video S6 (Mitotic exit in PTTG1DΔ-expressing cells)
MOV, 331K
Video S7 (Mitotic exit in PTTG2R134H+DΔ-expressing cells)
MOV, 360K