Fungal Diversity in Permafrost and Tallgrass Prairie Soils under Experimental Warming Conditions

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Rarefaction curves using the 0% RDP Classifier confidence dataset for the Oklahoma control and warming samples and Alaska control and warming samples (Fig. S1); NMDS ordinations based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrices for Oklahoma control versus warming samples and Alaska CiPEHR samples (Fig. S2); composition of the top 10 taxa at the class, order, and family levels and top 20 taxa at the genus level for the shallow layers of the Alaska CiPEHR samples (Fig. S3) and the deep layers of the Alaska CiPEHR samples (Fig. S4); composition and relative abundance of the unclassified genera as defined by an RDP fungal classifier confidence level of <50% in the Oklahoma tallgrass prairie samples (Fig. S5) and the Alaska samples (Fig. S6) within the listed unclassified family bins; cluster analysis using complete linkage clustering with similarity profile analysis differentiating the Alaska and Oklahoma fungal communities (Fig. S7); average relative abundances of the most abundant fungal classes (Table S1) and families (Table S2) in the Alaska and Oklahoma samples (Table S1); top BLAST results for the ARB-SILVA database of the RDP unclassified sequences, based on <50% classifier confidence (Table S3).

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