systemname: Leica_SP1 //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 405,488,561,633 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA dry HC PL FLUOTAR (11506505),40x/1.00NA oil,63x/1.32NA oil,100x/1.35NA oil,100x/1.40NA oil // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 405,488,561,633 // list of laserlines used for axial405 resolution test axial405: 405,488,561 // list of laserlines used for axial488 resolution test axial488: 488,561,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 // list of laserlines used for lambda scan test of Leica SP microscopes lambdascan: 488,561,633 systemname: Leica_SP2 //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 488,561,633 lasercolour: blue,green,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA dry HC PL FLUOTAR (11506505),40x/1.00NA oil,63x/1.20NA water,100x/1.40NA oil // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 488,561,633 // list of laserlines used for axial488 resolution test axial488: 488,561,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 // list of laserlines used for lambda scan test of Leica SP microscopes lambdascan: 488,561,633 systemname: Leica_SP5 //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 405,488,561,594,633 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,orange,red objectives: 10x/0.40NA dry HCX PL APO CS(11506285),20x/0.70NA dry HC PL APO CS (11506513),40x/1.25NA oil HCX PL APO CS (11506251),63x/1.40NA oil HCX PL APO lambda blue(11506192) // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 405,488,561,633 // list of laserlines used for axial405 resolution test axial405: 405,488,561 // list of laserlines used for axial488 resolution test axial488: 488,561,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 // list of laserlines used for lambda scan test of Leica SP microscopes lambdascan: 488,561,633 systemname: Leica_SP5II //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 405,488,561,594,633 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,orange,red objectives: 10x/0.40NA dry HCX PL APO CS(11506285),20x/0.70NA dry HC PL APO CS (11506513),40x/1.25NA oil HCX PL APO CS (11506251),63x/1.40NA oil HCX PL APO lambda blue(11506192) // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 405,488,561,633 // list of laserlines used for axial405 resolution test axial405: 405,488,561,594,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 // list of laserlines used for lambda scan test of Leica SP microscopes lambdascan: 488,561,633 systemname: Leica_SP5III //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 405,488,543,633 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA dry HC PL FLUOTAR (11506505),20x/0.50NA dry HCX PL FLUOTAR (11506503),20x/0.70NA IMM/CORR HC PL APO CS(11506178),40x/0.85NA dry HCX PL APO CS Corr (11506295),40x/1.25NA oil HCX PL APO CS (11506251),63x/1.40NA oil HCX PL APO lambda blue(11506192) // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 405,488,543,633 // list of laserlines used for axial405 resolution test axial405: 405,488,543 // list of laserlines used for axial488 resolution test axial488: 488,543,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 // list of laserlines used for lambda scan test of Leica SP microscopes lambdascan: 488,543,633 systemname: Zeiss_510_Meta //list of all lasers available on the system - when modifying the laser lines the corresponding lasercolour list needs to be amended as well laserlines: 488,543,633 lasercolour: blue,green,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA dry Plan-Neofluar,20x/0.50NA dry Plan-Neofluar,40x/1.30NA oil Plan-Neofluar,63x/1.40NA oil Plan-ApoChromat,63x/1.20NA W C-Apochromat // list of laserlines used for 1um bead colocalisation analysis colocalisation: 488,543,633 // list of laserlines used for axial488 resolution test axial488: 488,543,633 //laserline used for psf resolution test psflaser: 488 systemname: Zeiss_LSM780 laserlines: 405,488,543,594,633 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,orange,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA EC Plan-Neofluar,20x/0.80NA Plan-Apochromat,63x/1.40NA oil Plan-Apochromat colocalisation: 405,488,543,633 axial405: 405,488,543 axial488: 488,543,633 psflaser: 488 systemname: Nikon_A1 laserlines: 405,488,561,638 lasercolour: magenta,blue,green,red objectives: 10x/0.30NA Plan Fluor Ph1 DLL,20x/0.45NA SPlan Fluor ELWD,60x/1.40NA Apo oil DIC N2 colocalisation: 405,488,561,638 axial405: 405,488,561 axial488: 488,561,638 psflaser: 488 systemname: Deltavision_Core objectives: 10x/0.40NA UplSAPO,20x/0.50NA PH1 PlanFluorite UPLFLN,20x/0.70NA UPlanApo,40x/1.35NA oil Uapo/340,60x/1.40NA oil PlanApo,100x/1.35NA oil UPlanApo