function [w,h]=nmf(v,r,verbose) % % Jean-Philippe Brunet % Cancer Genomics % The Broad Institute % % % This software and its documentation are copyright 2004 by the % Broad Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights are reserved. % This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. % Neither the Broad Institute nor MIT can not be responsible for its use, misuse, % or functionality. % % NMF divergence update equations : % Lee, D..D., and Seung, H.S., (2001), 'Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix % Factorization', Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 13, 556-562. % % v (n,m) : N (genes) x M (samples) original matrix % Numerical data only. % Must be non negative. % Not all entries in a row can be 0. If so, add a small constant to the % matrix, eg.v+0.01*min(min(v)),and restart. % % r : number of desired factors (rank of the factorization) % % verbose : prints iteration count and changes in connectivity matrix elements % unless verbose is 0 % % Note : NMF iterations stop when connectivity matrix has not changed % for 10*stopconv interations. This is experimental and can be % adjusted. % % w : N x r NMF factor % h : r x M NMF factor % test for negative values in v if min(min(v)) < 0 error('matrix entries can not be negative'); return end if min(sum(v,2)) == 0 error('not all entries in a row can be zero'); return end [n,m]=size(v); stopconv=40; % stopping criterion (can be adjusted) niter = 2000; % maximum number of iterations (can be adjusted) cons=zeros(m,m); consold=cons; inc=0; j=0; % % initialize random w and h % w=rand(n,r); h=rand(r,m); for i=1:niter % divergence-reducing NMF iterations x1=repmat(sum(w,1)',1,m); h=h.*(w'*(v./(w*h)))./x1; x2=repmat(sum(h,2)',n,1); w=w.*((v./(w*h))*h')./x2; % test convergence every 10 iterations if(mod(i,10)==0) j=j+1; % adjust small values to avoid undeflow h=max(h,eps);w=max(w,eps); % construct connectivity matrix [y,index]=max(h,[],1); %find largest factor mat1=repmat(index,m,1); % spread index down mat2=repmat(index',1,m); % spread index right cons=mat1==mat2; if(sum(sum(cons~=consold))==0) % connectivity matrix has not changed inc=inc+1; %accumulate count else inc=0; % else restart count end if verbose % prints number of changing elements fprintf('\t%d\t%d\t%d\n',i,inc,sum(sum(cons~=consold))), end if(inc>stopconv) break, % assume convergence is connectivity stops changing end consold=cons; end end