Files in this Data Supplement:
Supplemental Figure 1 - A montage (z-stack) of images of beadinduced domains of His-beta2AR-venus
Supplemental Figure 2 - Recruitment of cytosolic Nb80-GFP to bead-attached His-beta2AR-cerulean
Supplemental Figure 3 - Recruitment of His-beta2AR-cerulean to IMAC beads without corecruitment of beta2AR-venus...
Supplemental Figure 4 - Recruitment of His-C-mu-OR to IMAC beads
Supplemental Figure 5 - IMAC beads that recruit His-beta2AR-cerulean have capacity to recruit additional (His-beta2AR-venus) protomers
Supplemental Figure 6 - beta2AR-venus fluorescence in bead-apposed (Ibead) and surrounding (Ino bead) regions of the plasma membrane
Supplemental Figure 7 - Recruitment of untagged GABA(B) and metabotropic glutamate receptors to IMAC beads
Supplemental Figure 8 - The structure of BG-649-PEG-biotin
Supplemental Movie 1 - IMAC beads recruit His-beta2AR-venus
Supplemental Movie 2 - Recruitment of cytosolic Venus-arrestin3 to bead-associated His-beta2ARcerulean after stimulation with 10 muM isoproterenol
Supplemental Movie 3 - Recruitment of cytosolic Nb80-GFP to bead-associated His-beta2ARcerulean after stimulation with 10 muM isoproterenol
Supplemental Movie 4 - IMAC beads recruit His-beta2AR-cerulean but do not corecruit beta2ARvenus
Supplemental Movie 5 - Segregation of His-beta2AR-cerulean and SNAP-beta2AR-venus by mixed IMAC and sAV beads