# #
# This CIF contains the data in a paper accepted for publication in #
# Acta Crystallographica Section E. It conforms to the requirements of #
# Notes for Authors for Acta Crystallographica Section E, and has been #
# peer reviewed under the auspices of the IUCr Commission on Journals. #
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# Full details of the Crystallographic Information File format #
# are given in the paper "The Crystallographic Information File (CIF): #
# a New Standard Archive File for Crystallography" by S. R. Hall, F. H. #
# Allen and I. D. Brown [Acta Cryst. (1991), A47, 655-685]. #
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# Software is freely available for graphical display of the structure(s) #
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# #
_audit_creation_method 'APEX2 v2013.2-RC1'
_journal_date_recd_electronic 2013-08-27
_journal_date_accepted 2013-10-11
_journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica, Section E'
_journal_year 2013
_journal_volume 69
_journal_issue 11
_journal_page_first o1680
_journal_page_last o1681
_journal_paper_category QO
_journal_paper_doi 10.1107/S160053681302802X
_journal_coeditor_code QK2060
_publ_contact_author_name 'Nicholas R. Natale'
The University of Montana-Missoula
The Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences
MT 59812-1552
_publ_contact_author_email nicholas.natale@umontana.edu
_publ_contact_author_fax '(406) 243-4132'
_publ_contact_author_phone '(406) 243-4132'
'Campana, Charles F.' .
Bruker AXS Inc.
5465 East Cheryl Parkway
Madison, WI 53711
'Mirzaei, Joseph' .
The University of Montana-Missoula
The Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Missoula, MT 59812-1552
'Koerner, Chris' .
The University of Montana-Missoula
The Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Missoula, MT 59812-1552
'Gates, Christina' .
The University of Montana-Missoula
The Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Missoula, MT 59812-1552
'Natale, Nicholas R.' .
The University of Montana-Missoula
The Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Missoula, MT 59812-1552
_publ_section_synopsis .
_database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 966122'
_chemical_formula_moiety 'C27 H23 N3 O2'
_chemical_formula_sum 'C27 H23 N3 O2'
_chemical_formula_iupac 'C27 H23 N3 O2'
_chemical_formula_weight 421.48
_chemical_melting_point ?
_symmetry_space_group_name_hall '-P 1'
_space_group_crystal_system triclinic
_space_group_name_H-M_alt 'P -1'
_space_group_name_Hall '-P 1'
'x, y, z'
'-x, -y, -z'
_cell_length_a 7.5163(4)
_cell_length_b 9.6774(5)
_cell_length_c 15.9053(8)
_cell_angle_alpha 86.7980(10)
_cell_angle_beta 83.5120(10)
_cell_angle_gamma 69.3850(10)
_cell_volume 1075.75(10)
_cell_formula_units_Z 2
_cell_measurement_reflns_used 9923
_cell_measurement_theta_min 2.7965
_cell_measurement_theta_max 68.3456
_cell_measurement_temperature 100.(2)
_cell_special_details 'calculated from global refinement'
_exptl_crystal_description prism
_exptl_crystal_colour 'clear light yellow'
_exptl_crystal_size_max 0.400
_exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.220
_exptl_crystal_size_min 0.190
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.301
_exptl_crystal_density_meas ?
_exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured'
_exptl_crystal_F_000 444
_exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 0.664
_exptl_absorpt_correction_type numerical
_exptl_absorpt_process_details '(SADABS; Bruker, 2012)'
_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.80
_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.89
_diffrn_ambient_temperature 100.(2)
_diffrn_radiation_type 'Cu K\a'
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength 1.54178
_diffrn_radiation_source 'Cu K\a'
_diffrn_radiation_monochromator mirrors
_diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Bruker D8 Venture PHOTON 100 CMOS'
_diffrn_measurement_method 'omega and phi scans'
_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean 10.4167
_diffrn_reflns_number 12012
_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.0165
_diffrn_reflns_av_sigmaI/netI 0.0189
_diffrn_reflns_theta_min 2.80
_diffrn_reflns_theta_max 66.59
_diffrn_reflns_theta_full 66.59
_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.979
_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.979
_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -8
_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 3
_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -11
_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 11
_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -18
_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 18
Refinement of F^2^ against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor
wR and goodness of fit S are based on F^2^, conventional
R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for
negative F^2^. The threshold expression of F^2^ >
\s(F^2^) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc.
and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement.
R-factors based on F^2^ are statistically about twice as large
as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be
even larger.
_reflns_number_total 3714
_reflns_number_gt 3597
_reflns_threshold_expression I>2sigma(I)
_refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd
_refine_ls_matrix_type full
_refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0323
_refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0315
_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0774
_refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.0781
_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 1.028
_refine_ls_restrained_S_all 1.016
_refine_ls_number_reflns 3714
_refine_ls_number_parameters 313
_refine_ls_number_restraints 86
_refine_ls_number_constraints 0
_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment refU
_refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc
'calc w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.0352P)^2^+0.3370P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3'
_atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom
_atom_sites_solution_primary direct
_atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap
_refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000
_refine_ls_shift/su_mean 0.000
_refine_diff_density_max 0.217
_refine_diff_density_min -0.140
_refine_ls_extinction_method none
_refine_ls_extinction_coef ?
C C 0.0181 0.0091 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
H H 0.0000 0.0000 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
N N 0.0311 0.0180 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
O O 0.0492 0.0322 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
_computing_data_collection 'SMART (Bruker, 2012)'
_computing_cell_refinement 'SAINT (Bruker, 2012)'
_computing_data_reduction 'SAINT (Bruker, 2012)'
_computing_structure_solution 'SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008)'
_computing_structure_refinement 'SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008)'
_computing_molecular_graphics 'Mercury (Macrae et al., 2008)'
_computing_publication_material 'publCIF (Westrip, 2010)'
O O1 0.00502(11) 0.47448(8) 0.64153(5) 0.02756(18) Uani d U 1 . .
N N1 0.15001(13) 0.33590(10) 0.65000(6) 0.0270(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C1 0.25346(14) 0.36020(11) 0.70485(6) 0.0222(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C2 0.42780(15) 0.24940(11) 0.73381(6) 0.0226(2) Uani d U 1 . .
O O2 0.49243(11) 0.11970(8) 0.71482(5) 0.02828(18) Uani d U 1 . .
N N2 0.51293(12) 0.31237(9) 0.78613(5) 0.02217(19) Uani d U 1 . .
N N3 0.44085(12) 0.45480(9) 0.81882(5) 0.0235(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C3 0.28457(14) 0.54911(11) 0.79389(6) 0.0224(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C4 0.18507(14) 0.50724(11) 0.73305(6) 0.0217(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C5 0.02762(15) 0.57547(12) 0.69057(6) 0.0232(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C6 0.69832(14) 0.22965(11) 0.81342(7) 0.0224(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C7 0.85159(15) 0.16976(11) 0.75336(7) 0.0260(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H7 0.8334 0.1771 0.6949 0.030(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C8 1.03243(15) 0.09880(12) 0.77969(7) 0.0278(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H8 1.1385 0.0572 0.739 0.034(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C9 1.05866(16) 0.08840(12) 0.86484(7) 0.0284(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H9 1.1823 0.0391 0.8826 0.033(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C10 0.90441(16) 0.15001(12) 0.92425(7) 0.0273(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H10 0.9229 0.1434 0.9827 0.032(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C11 0.72289(15) 0.22140(11) 0.89891(7) 0.0248(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H11 0.6171 0.264 0.9396 0.025(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C12 0.21729(16) 0.69938(12) 0.83066(8) 0.0295(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H12A 0.3036 0.7028 0.8717 0.039(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
H H12B 0.0879 0.7216 0.8591 0.039(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
H H12C 0.2161 0.7725 0.7854 0.043(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C13 -0.11611(15) 0.72853(12) 0.68583(7) 0.0255(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H13 -0.0688 0.7945 0.7162 0.019(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C14 -0.31156(15) 0.73629(12) 0.73267(7) 0.0279(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H14A -0.4109 0.831 0.7186 0.032(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
H H14B -0.3481 0.6549 0.7141 0.029(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C15 -0.29925(14) 0.72404(12) 0.82684(7) 0.0256(2) Uani d U 1 . .
C C16 -0.24282(15) 0.58718(12) 0.86891(7) 0.0280(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H16 -0.222 0.5 0.8387 0.028(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C17 -0.21682(16) 0.57717(13) 0.95421(7) 0.0306(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H17 -0.1802 0.4835 0.9822 0.038(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C18 -0.24399(15) 0.70303(13) 0.99886(7) 0.0302(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H18 -0.2237 0.6958 1.0571 0.034(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C19 -0.30114(15) 0.83994(13) 0.95784(7) 0.0296(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H19 -0.3209 0.9268 0.9882 0.032(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C20 -0.32932(15) 0.85002(12) 0.87290(7) 0.0278(2) Uani d U 1 . .
H H20 -0.3697 0.9442 0.8456 0.034(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C21 -0.12730(16) 0.78383(13) 0.59301(7) 0.0302(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H21A -0.1683 0.7183 0.5602 0.029(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
H H21B -0.2235 0.8846 0.5907 0.038(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C22 0.13242(17) 0.89367(13) 0.57720(7) 0.0308(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H22 0.0532 0.9691 0.6146 0.037(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C23 0.31273(18) 0.89326(13) 0.54685(7) 0.0336(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H23 0.357 0.9668 0.5641 0.039(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C24 0.42832(17) 0.78538(14) 0.49126(7) 0.0343(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H24 0.5519 0.7848 0.47 0.039(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C25 0.36233(18) 0.67858(14) 0.46702(7) 0.0355(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H25 0.4407 0.6048 0.4285 0.046(4) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C26 0.18236(18) 0.67824(13) 0.49847(7) 0.0322(3) Uani d U 1 . .
H H26 0.1394 0.6036 0.4817 0.036(3) Uiso calc R 1 . .
C C27 0.06465(16) 0.78583(12) 0.55409(7) 0.0271(2) Uani d U 1 . .
O1 0.0275(4) 0.0247(4) 0.0302(4) -0.0066(3) -0.0104(3) 0.0004(3)
N1 0.0273(5) 0.0231(5) 0.0295(5) -0.0062(4) -0.0071(4) 0.0001(4)
C1 0.0238(5) 0.0218(5) 0.0219(5) -0.0093(4) -0.0024(4) 0.0019(4)
C2 0.0245(5) 0.0203(5) 0.0230(5) -0.0085(4) -0.0019(4) 0.0013(4)
O2 0.0309(4) 0.0197(4) 0.0334(4) -0.0068(3) -0.0064(3) -0.0008(3)
N2 0.0219(4) 0.0175(4) 0.0257(4) -0.0045(3) -0.0044(3) 0.0001(3)
N3 0.0227(4) 0.0194(4) 0.0273(5) -0.0057(3) -0.0033(3) -0.0016(3)
C3 0.0203(5) 0.0218(5) 0.0249(5) -0.0074(4) -0.0030(4) 0.0017(4)
C4 0.0218(5) 0.0200(5) 0.0229(5) -0.0075(4) -0.0013(4) 0.0021(4)
C5 0.0232(5) 0.0241(5) 0.0236(5) -0.0094(4) -0.0042(4) 0.0017(4)
C6 0.0216(5) 0.0163(5) 0.0296(5) -0.0063(4) -0.0059(4) 0.0031(4)
C7 0.0282(6) 0.0219(5) 0.0261(5) -0.0065(4) -0.0039(4) 0.0013(4)
C8 0.0244(5) 0.0222(5) 0.0336(6) -0.0045(4) -0.0011(4) -0.0012(4)
C9 0.0241(5) 0.0215(5) 0.0383(6) -0.0049(4) -0.0097(4) 0.0030(4)
C10 0.0300(6) 0.0238(5) 0.0283(6) -0.0083(4) -0.0089(4) 0.0037(4)
C11 0.0249(5) 0.0219(5) 0.0273(5) -0.0081(4) -0.0027(4) 0.0013(4)
C12 0.0243(5) 0.0244(6) 0.0389(6) -0.0051(4) -0.0086(5) -0.0052(5)
C13 0.0237(5) 0.0230(5) 0.0295(6) -0.0065(4) -0.0082(4) 0.0033(4)
C14 0.0224(5) 0.0244(6) 0.0363(6) -0.0064(4) -0.0080(4) 0.0026(4)
C15 0.0171(5) 0.0251(5) 0.0349(6) -0.0078(4) -0.0035(4) 0.0023(4)
C16 0.0235(5) 0.0232(5) 0.0387(6) -0.0097(4) -0.0046(4) 0.0010(5)
C17 0.0270(6) 0.0267(6) 0.0391(6) -0.0116(4) -0.0044(5) 0.0081(5)
C18 0.0246(5) 0.0354(6) 0.0303(6) -0.0111(5) -0.0002(4) 0.0022(5)
C19 0.0230(5) 0.0274(6) 0.0365(6) -0.0072(4) 0.0013(4) -0.0040(5)
C20 0.0210(5) 0.0214(5) 0.0384(6) -0.0050(4) -0.0018(4) 0.0033(4)
C21 0.0293(6) 0.0295(6) 0.0318(6) -0.0084(5) -0.0124(5) 0.0076(5)
C22 0.0362(6) 0.0266(6) 0.0277(6) -0.0081(5) -0.0059(5) 0.0013(4)
C23 0.0416(7) 0.0345(6) 0.0302(6) -0.0188(5) -0.0100(5) 0.0050(5)
C24 0.0332(6) 0.0421(7) 0.0279(6) -0.0138(5) -0.0056(5) 0.0075(5)
C25 0.0425(7) 0.0348(7) 0.0256(6) -0.0099(5) -0.0003(5) -0.0002(5)
C26 0.0437(7) 0.0307(6) 0.0251(5) -0.0153(5) -0.0088(5) 0.0018(4)
C27 0.0304(6) 0.0271(6) 0.0235(5) -0.0081(4) -0.0116(4) 0.0078(4)
All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes)
are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken
into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles
and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only
used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic)
treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s.
O1 C5 . 1.3506(13) ?
O1 N1 . 1.4100(11) ?
N1 C1 . 1.3138(14) ?
C1 C4 . 1.4122(14) ?
C1 C2 . 1.4734(14) ?
C2 O2 . 1.2176(13) ?
C2 N2 . 1.3873(13) ?
N2 N3 . 1.3979(12) ?
N2 C6 . 1.4434(13) ?
N3 C3 . 1.2961(13) ?
C3 C4 . 1.4425(15) ?
C3 C12 . 1.4909(15) ?
C4 C5 . 1.3688(15) ?
C5 C13 . 1.4986(14) ?
C6 C7 . 1.3851(15) ?
C6 C11 . 1.3869(15) ?
C7 C8 . 1.3906(16) ?
C7 H7 . 0.95 ?
C8 C9 . 1.3835(16) ?
C8 H8 . 0.95 ?
C9 C10 . 1.3861(16) ?
C9 H9 . 0.95 ?
C10 C11 . 1.3895(15) ?
C10 H10 . 0.95 ?
C11 H11 . 0.95 ?
C12 H12A . 0.98 ?
C12 H12B . 0.98 ?
C12 H12C . 0.98 ?
C13 C21 . 1.5431(15) ?
C13 C14 . 1.5492(15) ?
C13 H13 . 1.0 ?
C14 C15 . 1.5067(16) ?
C14 H14A . 0.99 ?
C14 H14B . 0.99 ?
C15 C20 . 1.3937(16) ?
C15 C16 . 1.3968(15) ?
C16 C17 . 1.3857(17) ?
C16 H16 . 0.95 ?
C17 C18 . 1.3851(17) ?
C17 H17 . 0.95 ?
C18 C19 . 1.3898(16) ?
C18 H18 . 0.95 ?
C19 C20 . 1.3839(17) ?
C19 H19 . 0.95 ?
C20 H20 . 0.95 ?
C21 C27 . 1.5105(16) ?
C21 H21A . 0.99 ?
C21 H21B . 0.99 ?
C22 C23 . 1.3850(17) ?
C22 C27 . 1.3940(16) ?
C22 H22 . 0.95 ?
C23 C24 . 1.3847(18) ?
C23 H23 . 0.95 ?
C24 C25 . 1.3825(18) ?
C24 H24 . 0.95 ?
C25 C26 . 1.3893(18) ?
C25 H25 . 0.95 ?
C26 C27 . 1.3881(16) ?
C26 H26 . 0.95 ?
C5 O1 N1 . . 110.86(8) ?
C1 N1 O1 . . 103.37(8) ?
N1 C1 C4 . . 113.41(9) ?
N1 C1 C2 . . 124.88(9) ?
C4 C1 C2 . . 121.68(9) ?
O2 C2 N2 . . 123.36(9) ?
O2 C2 C1 . . 125.71(10) ?
N2 C2 C1 . . 110.93(9) ?
C2 N2 N3 . . 127.80(8) ?
C2 N2 C6 . . 120.74(8) ?
N3 N2 C6 . . 111.46(8) ?
C3 N3 N2 . . 119.61(9) ?
N3 C3 C4 . . 120.23(9) ?
N3 C3 C12 . . 116.70(9) ?
C4 C3 C12 . . 123.07(9) ?
C5 C4 C1 . . 104.21(9) ?
C5 C4 C3 . . 136.51(10) ?
C1 C4 C3 . . 119.28(9) ?
O1 C5 C4 . . 108.15(9) ?
O1 C5 C13 . . 115.96(9) ?
C4 C5 C13 . . 135.89(10) ?
C7 C6 C11 . . 121.11(10) ?
C7 C6 N2 . . 119.36(9) ?
C11 C6 N2 . . 119.33(9) ?
C6 C7 C8 . . 119.17(10) ?
C6 C7 H7 . . 120.4 ?
C8 C7 H7 . . 120.4 ?
C9 C8 C7 . . 120.33(10) ?
C9 C8 H8 . . 119.8 ?
C7 C8 H8 . . 119.8 ?
C8 C9 C10 . . 119.94(10) ?
C8 C9 H9 . . 120.0 ?
C10 C9 H9 . . 120.0 ?
C9 C10 C11 . . 120.40(10) ?
C9 C10 H10 . . 119.8 ?
C11 C10 H10 . . 119.8 ?
C6 C11 C10 . . 119.05(10) ?
C6 C11 H11 . . 120.5 ?
C10 C11 H11 . . 120.5 ?
C3 C12 H12A . . 109.5 ?
C3 C12 H12B . . 109.5 ?
H12A C12 H12B . . 109.5 ?
C3 C12 H12C . . 109.5 ?
H12A C12 H12C . . 109.5 ?
H12B C12 H12C . . 109.5 ?
C5 C13 C21 . . 110.34(9) ?
C5 C13 C14 . . 110.96(9) ?
C21 C13 C14 . . 113.70(9) ?
C5 C13 H13 . . 107.2 ?
C21 C13 H13 . . 107.2 ?
C14 C13 H13 . . 107.2 ?
C15 C14 C13 . . 109.92(8) ?
C15 C14 H14A . . 109.7 ?
C13 C14 H14A . . 109.7 ?
C15 C14 H14B . . 109.7 ?
C13 C14 H14B . . 109.7 ?
H14A C14 H14B . . 108.2 ?
C20 C15 C16 . . 118.33(10) ?
C20 C15 C14 . . 119.92(10) ?
C16 C15 C14 . . 121.55(10) ?
C17 C16 C15 . . 120.73(10) ?
C17 C16 H16 . . 119.6 ?
C15 C16 H16 . . 119.6 ?
C18 C17 C16 . . 120.33(10) ?
C18 C17 H17 . . 119.8 ?
C16 C17 H17 . . 119.8 ?
C17 C18 C19 . . 119.48(11) ?
C17 C18 H18 . . 120.3 ?
C19 C18 H18 . . 120.3 ?
C20 C19 C18 . . 120.14(11) ?
C20 C19 H19 . . 119.9 ?
C18 C19 H19 . . 119.9 ?
C19 C20 C15 . . 120.97(10) ?
C19 C20 H20 . . 119.5 ?
C15 C20 H20 . . 119.5 ?
C27 C21 C13 . . 110.58(9) ?
C27 C21 H21A . . 109.5 ?
C13 C21 H21A . . 109.5 ?
C27 C21 H21B . . 109.5 ?
C13 C21 H21B . . 109.5 ?
H21A C21 H21B . . 108.1 ?
C23 C22 C27 . . 121.42(11) ?
C23 C22 H22 . . 119.3 ?
C27 C22 H22 . . 119.3 ?
C24 C23 C22 . . 119.85(11) ?
C24 C23 H23 . . 120.1 ?
C22 C23 H23 . . 120.1 ?
C25 C24 C23 . . 119.42(11) ?
C25 C24 H24 . . 120.3 ?
C23 C24 H24 . . 120.3 ?
C24 C25 C26 . . 120.56(11) ?
C24 C25 H25 . . 119.7 ?
C26 C25 H25 . . 119.7 ?
C27 C26 C25 . . 120.70(11) ?
C27 C26 H26 . . 119.6 ?
C25 C26 H26 . . 119.6 ?
C26 C27 C22 . . 118.05(11) ?
C26 C27 C21 . . 121.96(10) ?
C22 C27 C21 . . 119.91(10) ?
C5 O1 N1 C1 . . . . 0.42(11) ?
O1 N1 C1 C4 . . . . -0.08(11) ?
O1 N1 C1 C2 . . . . -178.31(9) ?
N1 C1 C2 O2 . . . . -4.53(17) ?
C4 C1 C2 O2 . . . . 177.38(10) ?
N1 C1 C2 N2 . . . . 174.91(10) ?
C4 C1 C2 N2 . . . . -3.18(13) ?
O2 C2 N2 N3 . . . . -172.66(9) ?
C1 C2 N2 N3 . . . . 7.88(14) ?
O2 C2 N2 C6 . . . . 7.42(15) ?
C1 C2 N2 C6 . . . . -172.03(8) ?
C2 N2 N3 C3 . . . . -6.84(15) ?
C6 N2 N3 C3 . . . . 173.09(9) ?
N2 N3 C3 C4 . . . . 0.28(14) ?
N2 N3 C3 C12 . . . . -179.32(9) ?
N1 C1 C4 C5 . . . . -0.26(12) ?
C2 C1 C4 C5 . . . . 178.03(9) ?
N1 C1 C4 C3 . . . . 179.63(9) ?
C2 C1 C4 C3 . . . . -2.08(15) ?
N3 C3 C4 C5 . . . . -176.42(11) ?
C12 C3 C4 C5 . . . . 3.15(19) ?
N3 C3 C4 C1 . . . . 3.73(15) ?
C12 C3 C4 C1 . . . . -176.70(10) ?
N1 O1 C5 C4 . . . . -0.60(11) ?
N1 O1 C5 C13 . . . . 178.88(8) ?
C1 C4 C5 O1 . . . . 0.51(11) ?
C3 C4 C5 O1 . . . . -179.35(11) ?
C1 C4 C5 C13 . . . . -178.82(11) ?
C3 C4 C5 C13 . . . . 1.3(2) ?
C2 N2 C6 C7 . . . . 56.43(13) ?
N3 N2 C6 C7 . . . . -123.50(10) ?
C2 N2 C6 C11 . . . . -128.58(10) ?
N3 N2 C6 C11 . . . . 51.49(12) ?
C11 C6 C7 C8 . . . . 0.76(16) ?
N2 C6 C7 C8 . . . . 175.67(9) ?
C6 C7 C8 C9 . . . . -0.07(16) ?
C7 C8 C9 C10 . . . . -0.54(16) ?
C8 C9 C10 C11 . . . . 0.47(16) ?
C7 C6 C11 C10 . . . . -0.83(16) ?
N2 C6 C11 C10 . . . . -175.73(9) ?
C9 C10 C11 C6 . . . . 0.20(16) ?
O1 C5 C13 C21 . . . . -53.31(12) ?
C4 C5 C13 C21 . . . . 125.98(13) ?
O1 C5 C13 C14 . . . . 73.63(11) ?
C4 C5 C13 C14 . . . . -107.07(14) ?
C5 C13 C14 C15 . . . . 71.49(11) ?
C21 C13 C14 C15 . . . . -163.44(9) ?
C13 C14 C15 C20 . . . . 86.05(12) ?
C13 C14 C15 C16 . . . . -88.63(12) ?
C20 C15 C16 C17 . . . . -0.22(15) ?
C14 C15 C16 C17 . . . . 174.54(10) ?
C15 C16 C17 C18 . . . . -0.90(16) ?
C16 C17 C18 C19 . . . . 1.23(16) ?
C17 C18 C19 C20 . . . . -0.44(16) ?
C18 C19 C20 C15 . . . . -0.69(16) ?
C16 C15 C20 C19 . . . . 1.01(15) ?
C14 C15 C20 C19 . . . . -173.84(10) ?
C5 C13 C21 C27 . . . . -59.69(12) ?
C14 C13 C21 C27 . . . . 174.90(9) ?
C27 C22 C23 C24 . . . . 1.06(17) ?
C22 C23 C24 C25 . . . . -0.34(17) ?
C23 C24 C25 C26 . . . . -0.50(17) ?
C24 C25 C26 C27 . . . . 0.65(17) ?
C25 C26 C27 C22 . . . . 0.05(16) ?
C25 C26 C27 C21 . . . . -176.67(10) ?
C23 C22 C27 C26 . . . . -0.90(16) ?
C23 C22 C27 C21 . . . . 175.88(10) ?
C13 C21 C27 C26 . . . . 103.38(12) ?
C13 C21 C27 C22 . . . . -73.27(12) ?
C26 H26 O1 2_566 0.95 2.61 3.4159(13) 142.8
C24 H24 N1 2_666 0.95 2.73 3.5407(15) 143.4
C11 H11 C18 2_567 0.95 2.78 3.6182(15) 148.1
TITL Montana01 in P-1
CELL 1.54178 7.5163 9.6774 15.9053 86.798 83.512 69.385
ZERR 2.00 0.0004 0.0005 0.0008 0.001 0.001 0.001
UNIT 54 46 6 4
L.S. 10
SHEL 999 0.84
SIZE 0.188 0.22 0.397
TEMP -173.000
WGHT 0.035200 0.337000
FVAR 0.28839
O1 4 0.005019 0.474482 0.641534 11.00000 0.02754 0.02469 =
0.03018 0.00043 -0.01041 -0.00664
N1 3 0.150006 0.335904 0.649998 11.00000 0.02726 0.02305 =
0.02948 0.00013 -0.00706 -0.00619
C1 1 0.253459 0.360201 0.704853 11.00000 0.02383 0.02182 =
0.02190 0.00192 -0.00242 -0.00931
C2 1 0.427798 0.249396 0.733813 11.00000 0.02452 0.02032 =
0.02302 0.00128 -0.00187 -0.00846
O2 4 0.492427 0.119696 0.714817 11.00000 0.03090 0.01967 =
0.03344 -0.00080 -0.00636 -0.00680
N2 3 0.512927 0.312371 0.786128 11.00000 0.02187 0.01748 =
0.02569 0.00007 -0.00440 -0.00450
N3 3 0.440849 0.454796 0.818824 11.00000 0.02268 0.01939 =
0.02734 -0.00155 -0.00327 -0.00574
C3 1 0.284573 0.549111 0.793890 11.00000 0.02028 0.02184 =
0.02494 0.00166 -0.00303 -0.00736
C4 1 0.185070 0.507239 0.733049 11.00000 0.02177 0.02005 =
0.02290 0.00213 -0.00134 -0.00751
C5 1 0.027621 0.575467 0.690567 11.00000 0.02317 0.02409 =
0.02359 0.00165 -0.00420 -0.00942
C6 1 0.698321 0.229645 0.813420 11.00000 0.02157 0.01628 =
0.02964 0.00311 -0.00594 -0.00627
C7 1 0.851588 0.169761 0.753361 11.00000 0.02816 0.02188 =
0.02613 0.00131 -0.00387 -0.00652
H7 2 0.833397 0.177077 0.694912 11.00000 0.02991
C8 1 1.032427 0.098796 0.779694 11.00000 0.02436 0.02215 =
0.03364 -0.00119 -0.00113 -0.00449
H8 2 1.138481 0.057249 0.739017 11.00000 0.03444
C9 1 1.058662 0.088399 0.864840 11.00000 0.02408 0.02147 =
0.03833 0.00303 -0.00974 -0.00490
H9 2 1.182278 0.039076 0.882567 11.00000 0.03316
C10 1 0.904415 0.150014 0.924253 11.00000 0.02998 0.02384 =
0.02826 0.00375 -0.00890 -0.00828
H10 2 0.922915 0.143395 0.982653 11.00000 0.03156
C11 1 0.722886 0.221404 0.898910 11.00000 0.02493 0.02195 =
0.02734 0.00131 -0.00270 -0.00809
H11 2 0.617128 0.263955 0.939556 11.00000 0.02532
C12 1 0.217287 0.699378 0.830655 11.00000 0.02431 0.02439 =
0.03891 -0.00518 -0.00864 -0.00511
AFIX 137
H12A 2 0.303562 0.702756 0.871685 11.00000 0.03938
H12B 2 0.087929 0.721637 0.859096 11.00000 0.03858
H12C 2 0.216142 0.772516 0.785351 11.00000 0.04306
C13 1 -0.116106 0.728529 0.685832 11.00000 0.02366 0.02304 =
0.02946 0.00332 -0.00823 -0.00648
H13 2 -0.068761 0.794453 0.716196 11.00000 0.01905
C14 1 -0.311556 0.736291 0.732666 11.00000 0.02241 0.02440 =
0.03632 0.00257 -0.00803 -0.00638
H14A 2 -0.410860 0.830983 0.718601 11.00000 0.03191
H14B 2 -0.348112 0.654890 0.714090 11.00000 0.02861
C15 1 -0.299252 0.724037 0.826845 11.00000 0.01712 0.02508 =
0.03490 0.00232 -0.00348 -0.00776
C16 1 -0.242816 0.587179 0.868908 11.00000 0.02347 0.02317 =
0.03875 0.00100 -0.00464 -0.00969
H16 2 -0.222023 0.500000 0.838700 11.00000 0.02807
C17 1 -0.216823 0.577166 0.954210 11.00000 0.02702 0.02671 =
0.03915 0.00808 -0.00436 -0.01162
H17 2 -0.180185 0.483505 0.982204 11.00000 0.03792
C18 1 -0.243993 0.703031 0.998863 11.00000 0.02460 0.03535 =
0.03035 0.00220 -0.00024 -0.01113
H18 2 -0.223722 0.695833 1.057074 11.00000 0.03387
C19 1 -0.301143 0.839940 0.957843 11.00000 0.02297 0.02738 =
0.03651 -0.00396 0.00128 -0.00721
H19 2 -0.320911 0.926789 0.988182 11.00000 0.03223
C20 1 -0.329317 0.850024 0.872896 11.00000 0.02104 0.02141 =
0.03838 0.00329 -0.00184 -0.00495
H20 2 -0.369744 0.944207 0.845572 11.00000 0.03428
C21 1 -0.127301 0.783825 0.593010 11.00000 0.02927 0.02947 =
0.03180 0.00764 -0.01242 -0.00840
H21A 2 -0.168272 0.718296 0.560202 11.00000 0.02858
H21B 2 -0.223452 0.884579 0.590718 11.00000 0.03841
C22 1 0.132419 0.893672 0.577195 11.00000 0.03616 0.02656 =
0.02773 0.00127 -0.00586 -0.00810
H22 2 0.053227 0.969069 0.614558 11.00000 0.03718
C23 1 0.312726 0.893259 0.546850 11.00000 0.04156 0.03449 =
0.03024 0.00495 -0.01000 -0.01882
H23 2 0.356997 0.966825 0.564134 11.00000 0.03907
C24 1 0.428317 0.785376 0.491260 11.00000 0.03322 0.04205 =
0.02787 0.00752 -0.00557 -0.01382
H24 2 0.551879 0.784751 0.469962 11.00000 0.03932
C25 1 0.362331 0.678579 0.467024 11.00000 0.04246 0.03479 =
0.02560 -0.00020 -0.00026 -0.00994
H25 2 0.440716 0.604808 0.428544 11.00000 0.04650
C26 1 0.182359 0.678237 0.498468 11.00000 0.04372 0.03068 =
0.02506 0.00179 -0.00883 -0.01532
H26 2 0.139392 0.603577 0.481724 11.00000 0.03575
C27 1 0.064651 0.785830 0.554091 11.00000 0.03040 0.02708 =
0.02354 0.00776 -0.01161 -0.00815
REM Montana01 in P-1
REM R1 = 0.0315 for 3597 Fo > 4sig(Fo) and 0.0323 for all 3714 data
REM 313 parameters refined using 86 restraints
WGHT 0.0341 0.3336
REM Highest difference peak 0.217, deepest hole -0.140, 1-sigma level 0.032
Q1 1 -0.0337 0.6493 0.6870 11.00000 0.05 0.22
Q2 1 0.2355 0.5386 0.7536 11.00000 0.05 0.22
Q3 1 0.3305 0.3042 0.7193 11.00000 0.05 0.20
Q4 1 -0.2060 0.7295 0.7041 11.00000 0.05 0.19
Q5 1 -0.1229 0.7514 0.6406 11.00000 0.05 0.17