Amplification and Purification of T4-Like Escherichia coli Phages for Phage Therapy: from Laboratory to Pilot Scale

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Amplification of T4-like phage NPC 1000 on E. coli strain K-12 in a 20-liter stirred tank reactor (Fig. S1), cell association and PEG precipitation of phage NPC 1000 produced on two different E. coli host cells (Fig. S2), phage infectivity loss resulting from ultracentrifugation and sterile filtration (Fig. S3), T4-like phage concentration by medium speed centrifugation (Fig. S4), phage recovery by DEAE cellulose adsorption (Fig. S5), phage infectivity loss due to ultrafiltration (Fig. S6), LPS contamination level in T4-like bacteriophages prepared by different methods (Fig. S7), MALDI TOF spectra (Fig. S8), and short-term thermal stability of T4-like phage at different temperatures (Fig. S9).

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