Published February 3, 2014 // JCB vol. 204 no. 3 343-357
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201307164

Early endosome motility spatially organizes polysome distribution

Video 5.
Colocalization of ribosomes and EEs. The large ribosomal subunit was marked by Rpl25-GFP (Rpl25; green), and the organelles were labeled by mCherry-Rab5a (Rab5a; red). The cell was photobleached to reduce cytoplasmic background. Note that some EEs do not carry ribosomes (arrowheads). Images were analyzed by epifluorescence microscopy using a laser-based inverted microscope (IX81; Olympus; equipped with a VS-LMS4 Laser Merge System; Visitron). Time is given in seconds and milliseconds. Bar, 2 µm.