CXCR4 drives the metastatic phenotype in breast cancer through induction of CXCR2 and activation of MEK and PI3K pathways

Supplemental Materials

This article contains the following supporting material:

  • Supplemental Materials
  • Movie 01 - Supplementary Material Movie 1 and supplementary material movie 2. GFP-MCF-7 vector cells are not detected in vivo in absence of exogenous estrogen. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. Rhodamine dextran ingesting myeloid cells and the vasculature were imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 02 - Supplementary Material Movie 1 and supplementary material movie 2. GFP-MCF-7 vector cells are not detected in vivo in absence of exogenous estrogen. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. Rhodamine dextran ingesting myeloid cells and the vasculature were imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 03 - Supplementary Material Movie 3. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells migrate in single cells streams towards the vasculature in vivo. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells were imaged in the green channel, and rhodamine dextran ingesting myeloid cells and vasculature were imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Myeloid cells that infiltrated the tumor environment are motile. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 04 - Supplementary Material Movie 4. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells migrate in single cells streams towards the vasculature in vivo in absence of myeloid cells in the tumor. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells were imaged in the green channel, and the vasculature was imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Myeloid cells were not detected in the tumor. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 05 - Supplementary Material Movie 5. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells are non-migratory in areas of the tumor that lack a vasculature in vivo. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. MCF-7 CXCR4WT cells were imaged in the green channel, and the vasculature was imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Myeloid cells were not detected in the tumor. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 06 - Supplementary Material Movie 6. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4ΔCTD cells display random migration in areas of the tumor that lack a vasculature in vivo. The GFP and Texas Red Channels are shown. MCF-7 CXCR4ΔCTD cells were imaged in the green channel, and the vasculature was imaged in the Texas Red Channel. Myeloid cells were not detected in the tumor. Images were taken every 10 seconds for 20 minutes. Images were acquired with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 20X/0.75 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.
  • Movie 07 - Supplementary Material Movie 7. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4ΔCTD cells migrate towards blood vessels and metastasize to the lymph nodes. GFP-MCF-7 CXCR4ΔCTD cells (green), vasculature (red) and differentiated HL60 cells were labeled with DiI Cy5 (blue) and injected into the vasculature via a catheter in the femoral vein. Images were acquired 2 hours after injection of labeled HL60 cells with an LSM 510 META inverted confocal microscope with a 40X/1.3 plan apochromat objective. Since there are restrictions on file size, resolution of the movies has been reduced from the original size.