Soil Microbial Community Responses to a Decade of Warming as Revealed by Comparative Metagenomics

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Supplemental Materials and Methods: description of the experimental site, DNA sequencing and preprocessing, estimating community complexity, FastUniFrac analysis, assessing community-wide vs. lineage-specific shifts in adundance; sequencing and assembly statistics for each soil metagenome (Table S1); sampling site information (Table S2); physicochemical measurements of soil samples (Table S3); plant information for the soil samples analyzed in this study (Table S4); relative abundance of plant species in samples used in this study (Table S5); alpha diversity estimates of the samples used in this study based on 16S rRNA gene-encoding reads (Table S6); differentially abundant SEED subsystems between heated and control metagenomes (Table S7); community complexity in the samples used in this study (Fig. S1); 16S read recruitments and FastUniFrac analysis (Fig. S2); G+C% differences at the phylum level between control and warming samples (Fig. S3); flowchart of identifying significantly shifted pathways (Fig. S4); clustering of samples and replicates based on SEED subsystem relative abundance (Fig. S5); systematic changes in relative abundance in different pathways (Fig. S6).

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