Model Organisms Retain an “Ecological Memory” of Complex Ecologically Relevant Environmental Variation

Supplemental material

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  • Supplemental file 1 -

    For all growth curve experiments, 4 to 8 replicate cultures were grown from colony (Fig. S1); conceptual diagram of nested pairwise comparison method for identifying the growth media best matched to each GSL sample composition (Fig. S2); OD600 and cell counts are proportional throughout growth curves in experimental media (Fig. S3); cell and gas vesicle morphology vary with ion composition during batch culturing (Fig. S4); cell morphology varies with ion composition (Fig. S5); pairwise differences between GSL sample and growth media salinities, by total salinity, for Na and Mg (Fig. S6) and Na and K (Fig. S7); scatterplots of Mg- and Cl-correlated genes (Fig. S8); multifactorial media compositions and H. salinarum NRC-1 maximum growth rate (Table S1); measured ion composition of Great Salt Lake water samples and CM (media 2) control without peptone (Table S2); measured ion composition of evaporated and rehydrated Great Salt Lake sample 14 (Table S3); summary of salinity comparisons between Great Salt Lake samples and 75 growth media (Table S4); genes significantly correlated with [Mg] at P < 0.10 (Table S5).

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