Flavobacterium johnsoniae Chitinase ChiA Is Required for Chitin Utilization and Is Secreted by the Type IX Secretion System

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Fig. S1, the approximately 92-kDa secreted form of ChiA corresponds to the amino-proximal portion of the full-length ChiA

    Fig. S2, the approximately 65-kDa secreted form of ChiA appears to correspond to the carboxy-proximal portion of full-length ChiA

    Fig. S3, alignment of the CTD of ChiA with the CTDs of F. johnsoniae TIGR04131 family members using MUSCLE

    Fig. S4, alignment of the CTD of ChiA with the CTDs of F. johnsoniae TIGR04183 family members using MUSCLE

    Fig. S5, disruption of chiA does not affect gliding motility

    Fig. S6, alignment of F. johnsoniae ChiAGH18N with the GH18 domain of Bacillus circulans ChiA1 using MUSCLE

    Fig. S7, alignment of F. johnsoniae ChiAGH18C with the GH18 domain of Bacillus circulans ChiD using MUSCLE

    Table S1, primers

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