Table 1. Structural statistics
Data collection |
Dataset |
Native high res. |
Native |
Hg derivative |
Pt derivative |
X-ray source |
ESRF (BM30A) |
Rotating anode |
Rotating anode |
Rotating anode |
Wavelength |
0.9793 Å |
1.5418 Å |
1.5418 Å |
1.5418 Å |
Resolution |
20.0–1.72 Å |
20.0–2.23 Å |
20.0–2.23 Å |
20.0–2.23 Å |
Completeness * |
99.4% (99.0%) |
96.3% (94.2%) |
98.0% (96.2%) |
99.2% (94.2%) |
Observed reflections |
190,082 |
57,883 |
70,001 |
56,944 |
Unique reflections |
25,771 |
11,678 |
22,034 |
23,026 |
R merge† |
8.3 |
4.1 |
3.1 |
2.6 |
Unit cell dimensions |
a |
109.0 Å |
109.4 Å |
107.8 Å |
109.0 Å |
b |
43.0 Å |
43.0 Å |
42.7 Å |
43.0 Å |
c |
53.8 Å |
54.1 Å |
53.2 Å |
54.0 Å |
β |
104.1° |
104.4° |
104.0° |
104.3° |
Refinement |
Native high res. |
R cryst‡ |
14.4 |
R free‡ |
19.0 |
Native high res. |
Unique reflections |
Overall B-factor |
16.021 |
Working set |
24,460 |
rms deviation from ideality |
Test set |
1,306 |
Length |
0.017 Å 2 |
Number of atoms |
Angles |
1.63° |
Protein |
2,066 |
Solvent |
295 |
*Highest resolution shell in parentheses.
Rmerge = 100 ´ ΣhΣi|Ih,i – Ih|/ ΣhΣi Ih,i, where Ih is the mean intensity of symmetry-related reflections, Ih,i.‡
Rfactor = 100 ´ Σhkl|Fobs – Fcalc| / ΣhklFobs, where Rfree is calculated for a randomly chosen 5% of reflections (F > 0) omitted from refinement, and Rcryst is calculated for the remaining 95% of reflections (F > 0) included in refinement.