LuuVinh QuangNguyenTruong QuangCalameThomasHoangTuoi ThiSouthichackSisomphoneBonkowskiMichaelZieglerThomasNew country records of reptiles from LaosBiodivers Data J101220132013110.3897/BDJ.1.e1015 Cyrtodactylus pseudoquadrivirgatus Rösler, Nguyen, Vu, Ngo & Ziegler, 2008Materials

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: recordedBy: T. Calame; individualCount: 2; sex: 2 females; Location: country: Laos; stateProvince: Salavan; verbatimLocality: Xe Sap National Protected Area; verbatimElevation: 960 m; verbatimLatitude: 16°09.400’N; verbatimLongitude: 106°49.567’E; Event: eventDate: 2012-05-20; Record Level: institutionCode: IEBR, NUOL


(Fig. 4)

Specimens examined (n = 2). Two adult females (IEBR A.2013.91 & NUOL R-2013.4), collected by T. Calame on 20 May 2012 from Xe Sap NPA, Salavan Province (16°09.400’N, 106°49.567’E, elevation ca. 960 m a.s.l.).

Morphological characters. SVL 70.7-83.8 mm, tail regenerated (TaL 72.1-72.6 mm); head depressed (HL/HD 1.6), distinguished from neck; loreal region inflated; snout longer than diameter of orbit (SE/OD 1.9); snout scales small, homogeneous, granular, larger than those in frontal and parietal regions; rostral wider than high with a median suture; supranasals separated from each other posteriorly by a pentagonal internasal; rostral bordered by first supralabial and nostril on each side; nares oval, surrounded by supranasal, rostral, first supralabial, and three enlarged postnasals; eyelid fringe with tiny spines posteriorly; ear oval–shaped, somewhat angular; mental triangular, slightly wider than rostral; postmentals in one pair, enlarged, in broad contact posteriorly, bordered by mental anteriorly, first two infralabials laterally, and one pair of distinctly enlarged gular scales posteriorly, which is separated from each other by two small gular scales; supralabials 8-10; infralabials 7-10; dorsal scales granular to flattened; dorsal tubercles triangular, conical, present on occiput, back and tail base, each surrounded by 10-11 granular scales, in 17-18 irregular longitudinal rows at midbody; ventral scales smooth, medial scales 2–3 times larger than dorsal scales, round, subimbricate, in 39-40 longitudinal rows at midbody; ventrolateral folds with interspersed tubercles; gular region with homogeneous smooth scales; precloacal groove absent; enlarged femoral scales and femoral pores absent; precloacal pores 7-9; postcloacal tubercles 2-3; subcaudals slightly enlarged; dorsal surface of fore and hind limbs with tubercles; fingers and toes without distinct webbing; lamellae under fourth finger 16-19, under fourth toe 17-20. Coloration in preservative: Ground coloration of dorsal head and back blackish brown; a narrow curved black stripe from posterior corner of eye, running above tympanum to the neck, interrupted posteriorly; shoulders, dorsal body blotched, irregular from oval to elongate, dark brown; fore and hind limbs with dark bars; dorsal tail grey with dark brown bands; chin, throat, chest and belly brown; ventral tail marked with light and dark bands; upper and lower lips dark brown (determination after Rösler et al. 2008).


Specimens were found between 19:40 and 20:10 on a small bush stem ca. 40 cm above the ground, approximately 3 m away from a rocky stream. The surrounding habitat was hill evergreen forest at an elevation of 960 m a.s.l. Within the hill evergreen forest in western Xe Sap NPA the canopy is characterized, in many areas, by the conspicuous presence of emergents of the restricted range conifer Pinus dalatensis.


This species was previously known in Central Vietnam from Quang Tri province southwards to Kon Tum Province (Rösler et al. 2008). Therefore, our record of Cyrtodactylus pseudoquadrivirgatus from Salavan Province is the first country record for Laos.

Cyrtodactylus pseudoquadrivirgatus from Xe Sap National Protected Area, Salavan Province, Laos. Photo: T. Calame.

RöslerHVuT. N.NguyenT. Q.NgoT. V.ZieglerT2008A new Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Central VietnamHamadryad3314863English