####################################################################### # # Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre # CCDC # ####################################################################### # # If this CIF has been generated directly or indirectly from an entry in the # Cambridge Structural Database, then it will include bibliographic, chemical, # crystal, experimental, refinement or atomic coordinate data resulting from # the CCDC's data processing and validation procedures. Files generated from # CSD entries are Copyright 2013 Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. They # may be used in bona fide research applications only, and may not be copied or # further disseminated in any form, whether machine-readable or not, except for # the purposes of generating routine backup copies on your local computer # system. # # Files arising from any other source may also contain material that is the # copyright of third parties, including the originator, and you should check # with the originator concerning the permitted uses of the information # contained in this CIF. # # For further information on the CCDC and the free tools enCIFer and Mercury # for validating and visualising CIF files, please visit www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk # ####################################################################### data_lajkiewicz5a_0m _symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21/c' _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 14 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 -x,1/2+y,1/2-z 3 -x,-y,-z 4 x,1/2-y,1/2+z _cell_length_a 9.8122(2) _cell_length_b 22.2466(5) _cell_length_c 10.2293(2) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 96.4100(10) _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_volume 2218.98 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z O1 O -0.27620(10) 0.76182(5) 0.57089(11) O2 O 0.11927(9) 0.63543(4) 0.54357(9) O3 O 0.69823(11) 0.54323(5) 0.78244(11) O4 O 0.34782(10) 0.74124(4) 0.51269(10) H4 H 0.426(2) 0.7327(8) 0.4868(18) O5 O 0.42013(10) 0.69939(5) 0.27409(10) O6 O 0.46134(11) 0.61648(5) 0.15070(11) O7 O 0.11270(11) 0.82930(4) 0.37440(10) C1 C -0.33431(15) 0.72076(7) 0.65666(16) H1A H -0.3548 0.6826 0.6107 H1B H -0.4190 0.7378 0.6834 H1C H -0.2689 0.7137 0.7348 C2 C -0.15005(14) 0.74767(6) 0.53580(14) C3 C -0.08570(14) 0.69292(6) 0.56362(13) H3 H -0.1272 0.6617 0.6088 C4 C 0.04296(13) 0.68651(6) 0.52130(12) C5 C 0.23444(13) 0.63931(6) 0.46545(13) C6 C 0.35819(13) 0.61362(6) 0.54968(13) C7 C 0.46666(14) 0.58547(6) 0.49665(14) H7 H 0.4639 0.5815 0.4039 C8 C 0.57839(15) 0.56323(6) 0.57700(15) H8 H 0.6518 0.5448 0.5388 C9 C 0.58399(14) 0.56768(6) 0.71253(14) C10 C 0.69930(18) 0.53957(9) 0.92184(17) H10A H 0.6901 0.5800 0.9579 H10B H 0.7859 0.5217 0.9603 H10C H 0.6226 0.5145 0.9430 C11 C 0.36799(14) 0.61960(6) 0.68601(14) H11 H 0.2973 0.6401 0.7242 C12 C 0.47819(14) 0.59642(6) 0.76791(14) H12 H 0.4812 0.6002 0.8607 C13 C 0.10776(14) 0.73034(6) 0.45574(13) C14 C 0.24702(14) 0.70884(6) 0.43075(13) C15 C 0.27253(14) 0.71124(6) 0.28775(14) H15 H 0.2329 0.7471 0.2383 C16 C 0.38555(15) 0.64817(7) 0.20261(14) C17 C 0.23484(14) 0.65082(6) 0.22251(13) H17 H 0.1697 0.6528 0.1401 C18 C 0.19398(14) 0.60678(6) 0.32908(13) H18 H 0.2517 0.5698 0.3267 C19 C 0.04449(14) 0.58796(6) 0.30718(12) C20 C -0.05966(14) 0.62704(6) 0.25680(13) H20 H -0.0369 0.6667 0.2322 C21 C -0.19596(15) 0.60896(6) 0.24212(14) H21 H -0.2656 0.6361 0.2073 C22 C -0.23058(15) 0.55124(6) 0.27841(14) H22 H -0.3237 0.5387 0.2686 C23 C -0.12823(15) 0.51215(6) 0.32902(14) H23 H -0.1515 0.4728 0.3551 C24 C 0.00822(14) 0.53005(6) 0.34198(13) H24 H 0.0776 0.5025 0.3750 C25 C 0.04133(15) 0.78576(6) 0.43163(13) C26 C 0.05541(18) 0.88866(6) 0.36907(16) H26A H -0.0296 0.8890 0.3089 H26B H 0.1211 0.9169 0.3375 H26C H 0.0356 0.9007 0.4572 C27 C -0.08828(15) 0.79374(6) 0.46977(14) H27 H -0.1356 0.8305 0.4512 #END