Files in this Data Supplement:
Legends to all supplemental material; relative abundance of sequence reads assigned to the major bacterial phyla in the gut microbiota of cockroaches, lower termites, and higher termites (Fig. S1); comparison of bacterial community structures in cockroaches and termites using various ordination techniques and taxon-independent (OTU‐based) approaches (Fig. S2); classification success at different taxonomic levels for all insects included in this study (Table S2); contributions of the 100 most important genus-level taxa to the separation of cockroaches, lower termites, and higher termites in the ordination analyses (Table S3).
PDF, 402K
Detailed phylogenetic trees of selected genus-level lineages in the gut microbiota that contribute strongly to the separation of cockroaches, lower termites, and higher termites (Fig. S4).
PDF, 6.2M
Interactive spreadsheet with the classification results for all samples (relative abundance of reads at different phylogenetic levels) (Table S1).
XLSX, 491K