Global Analysis of the Burkholderia thailandensis Quorum Sensing-Controlled Regulon

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Fig. S1, functional classification of B. thailandensis genes

    Table S1, T-phase QS-controlled genes

    Table S2, genes differentially expressed in S-phase cells of the B. thailandensis QS signal synthesis mutant JRC112 grown with or without added QS signals

    Table S3, transcripts affected by AHLs in both T- and S-phase cells of the AHL synthase mutant

    Table S4, genes showing differential expression in the wild type compared to the AHL synthesis mutant and in the AHL synthesis mutant grown with or without added AHLs

    Table S5, B. thailandensis genes regulated by BtaR1, BtaR2, or BtaR3 in T phase

    Table S6, genomic island QS-controlled genes

    Table S7, orthologs or paralogs of T-phase QS-controlled genes

    Table S8, primer sequences

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