Published March 17, 2014 // JCB vol. 204 no. 6 947-963
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201307119

EB1 enables spindle microtubules to regulate centromeric recruitment of Aurora B

Video 1.
Sequential z sections (0.4-µm step size) of a prometaphase cell presented as a video generated in Volocity 5.5. A fixed Xenopus S3 cell stained for INCENP (blue), tubulin (green), and Aurora B–tubulin PLA (red) was imaged using a spinning-disk confocal microscope. Z sections were stitched sequentially using Volocity 5.5 software to make a MOV file. Fig. 5 A represents a whole-cell projection of this video.