Published April 28, 2014 // JCB vol. 205 no. 2 163-177
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201307116

PKA-dependent dynein switching from lysosomes to adenovirus: A novel form of host–virus competition

Video 8.
Lysosome motility in Ad5-infected A549 cells. Cells were preincubated with LysoTracker green dye to label lyso/LE before being processed for imaging at 2 frames/min for 90 min using an epifluorescence microscope (DM IRBE; Leica). Playback is 450× speed of real time. First frame shows a transmitted light image of the cell, and subsequent frames show LysoTracker signal (180 frames, all frames of the original acquisition). Cells were infected with 100 MOI Ad5 shortly before imaging (Materials and methods). Note the outward movement of lyso/LEs starting at around 30 min, leading to complete dispersal at around 60 min with LysoTracker signal in the cell periphery. Time stamp indicates hours, minutes, and seconds after start of the video. Cell corresponds to Fig. 4 A (Ad5). Bar, 20 µm.