Files in this Data Supplement:
Production of S62- and S0 from thiosulfate in incubations of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum supplied with 2 mM cysteine as sulfur source and reductant, 5 mM acetate as carbon source, and 10 mM formate as electron donor (Table SI-1); Fe(II) total production from ferrihydrite in incubations of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum supplied with 5 mM acetate as carbon source, and 10 mM formate as electron donor (Table SI-2); production of sulfide from thiosulfate in incubations of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum supplied with 2 mM cysteine as sulfur source and reductant, 5 mM acetate as carbon source, and 10 mM formate as electron donor (Fig. SI-1).
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