Published May 26, 2014 // JCB vol. 205 no. 4 591-606
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201402066

A new probe for super-resolution imaging of membranes elucidates trafficking pathways

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Material (PDF)
  • Zip file 1 - The routine used to calculate the percentage of cellular area occupied by mCLING-labeled organelles. Instructions on how to use the macro can be found in the program_start.m file.
  • Zip file 2 - The routine used to calculate Pearson�s correlation values between the mCLING and the immunostaining channels across mCLING-labeled organelles. Instructions on how to use the macro can be found in the program_start.m file.
  • Zip file 3 - The routine used to generate average pictures of aligned ribbon-type active zones and to generate average images of mCLING-labeled and immunostained synaptic vesicles. Instructions on how to use the macro can be found in the program_start.m file.