Resilience of the Natural Phyllosphere Microbiota of the Grapevine to Chemical and Biological Pesticides

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Culturable microorganisms of grapevine leaves (Fig. S1), rarefaction curves of bacterial and fungal communities identified on grapevine leaves (Fig. S2), and supplemental table legends.

    PDF, 46K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Fusion primers for pyrosequencing (Table S1), number of total filtered reads, identified OTUs, richness estimators, and Shannon index obtained for bacteria and fungi collected from grapevine leaves (Table S2), coefficients of Spearman's correlation (Table S3), and bacterial (Table S4) and fungal (Table S5) OTUs identified on grapevine leaves.

    XLS, 224K