Site-Specific Association with Host and Viral Chromatin by Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus LANA and Its Reversal during Lytic Reactivation

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 4 -

    Table S1 (Primers used for ChIP-qPCR assays.)

    Table S2 (Sequencing and genome alignment summary.)

    Table S3 (Position-weight matrices of host LBS1 motifs in iSLK-219 and LEC-219 cells.)

    Table S4 (LANA-binding sites conserved across iSLK-219, LEC-219, BEC-219, and BJAB-219 cells.)

    PDF, 185K

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Data Set S1 (LANA-binding sites on the host genome of iSLK-219, LEC-219, BEC-219, BJAB-219, and BCBL-1 cells.)

    XLSX, 634K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Data Set S2 (Output of CentriMo and PscanChIP analyses performed on host LANA-binding sites identified in LEC-219 cells.)

    XLSX, 28K

  • Supplemental file 3 -

    Data Set S3 (Differentially regulated genes in KSHV-infected LECs and LANA occupancy.)

    XLSX, 110K