Insights into the Structure and Function of Ciliary and Flagellar Doublet Microtubules

Supplemental Data

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental movie S1 (.mov, 3.8 MB) - Movie S1: Cross-sectional tomographic view and model of a DMT. The movie traverses in 1-nm steps along 120 nm of an averaged DMT (S. purpuratus; compare with Fig. 2a-d and Fig. 7) viewed from the proximal (-) end to the distal (+) end. Certain densities appear to be continuous along the axis, while other densities appear as axially periodic globular structures. A, A-tubule (magenta numbered); B, B-tubule (blue numbered); MIP1 (light blue); MIP2 (red); MIP3 (yellow).