[As supplied by authors] Examples of ‘request to network’ messages posted to C.H.A.I.N. members

I’m looking to make contact with anyone who is involved with a ‘protected learning time’ multidisciplinary training programme for primary care staff. In particular I would like to hear from anyone who has run small protected learning time sessions in practices in addition to or instead of large forum sessions.

C.H.A.I.N. member would like to make contact with colleagues working on the implementation of primary care nurse practitioners. This member works in an isolated rural area in the West of Scotland and is keen to exchange ideas and experience.

I’d like to hear how people in other Trusts deal with data capture and processing for clinical audit and effectiveness projects. I’m particularly interested in hearing from people who outsource this process rather than carry it out in-house. What has their experience been and would they recommend any particular company?

I would like to know if anyone has experience/knowledge of the assessment of cognitive function in stroke patients who develop infections?

I am a senior nurse therapist in psychosocial intervention for people with serious mental health problems. We are interested in designing an appropriate evaluation of our lunch-time music club. In addition, I am keen to investigate the role of music in the lives of people experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems…. I would welcome any guidance, suggestions and/or advice on any aspect of the research process or the subject matter. It would be invaluable to know what work is being undertaken in this field.

C.H.A.I.N. member who is a quality co-ordinator is working on an acute hospital admissions policy. She is interested in any examples of such policies which C.H.A.I.N. members would be willing to share with her.

C.H.A.I.N. member and colleagues are preparing a bibliography of papers on elder abuse published in the UK, including journal and magazine articles, book chapters and doctoral dissertations. They would be very grateful to any C.H.A.I.N. members who can suggest any material, in particular material not listed within mainstream databases.

I would be very interested in contacting others working in cardiac networks, but I cannot find out where networks exist, never mind who to contact!

C.H.A.I.N. member would like to make contact with other members with an interest in health promotion with young people, particularly anyone who have been involved in young people’s lifestyle surveys. She is interested in finding out a) what works best with young people b) any robust evidence on emotional intelligence in young people.

I’d like to find out if any C.H.A.I.N. members are aware of any audits of deliberate self harm in adult mental health patients.

We have been asked to examine a very common problem concerning clinical staff generating duplicate sets of medical records. This is a particular difficulty for community health services with sites spread across a wide geographical area. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has attempted to tackle this subject and how far they got with it.

C.H.A.I.N. member is interested in evidence for the effectiveness of surgical podiatry. She would be interested to hear from other C.H.A.I.N. members who share this area of interest, and most grateful for any sources of relevant material/information.

I am keen to contact clinical audit professional working in primary care trusts, particularly those that manage or provide a clinical audit support service as I do. If anyone is providing a similar service and would like to network, I would be very pleased to hear from them. I am sure there is a lot of scope for sharing experiences and learning…

Note: examples selected from the C.H.A.I.N. email messages tracked over a two month period as part of the evaluation.