Identification of a QTL in Mus musculus for Alcohol Preference, Withdrawal, and Ap3m2 Expression Using Integrative Functional Genomics and Precision Genetics

Files in this data supplement:

  • Supporting Information: Figures S1-S3 and Tables S1-S3 (PDF, 400 KB)
  • Figure S1: Blood ethanol concentrations at 72 hours post vapor exposure were not significantly different in Ap3m2 (-/-) mice compared to wild-type littermates (+/+). (PDF, 310 KB)
  • Figure S2: (A) Ethanol intake in g/kg/day for 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15% EtOH concentrations. (B) No differences in total intake over time by genotype F(4,33)=0.01526, p=0.9605 but an overall genotype effect F(1,36)=5.7433, p=0.0219. (PDF, 140 KB)
  • Figure S3: (A) Log2 expression levels for Ap3m2 in hippocampus of BXD RI strains and (B) corresponding cis eQTL signal. (PDF, 210 KB)
  • Table S1: Table of oligonucleotide primer pairs used for the sequencing of Ap3m2 and genotyping of Ap3m2KO mice. (PDF, 116 KB)
  • Table S2: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium analysis of the region of Ap3m2 at the time of the F2 mapping. (PDF, 153 KB)
  • Table S3: (A) SNPs which exist in the region of Ap3m2 fit the distribution pattern of C57BL/6J=I/LnJ=iWSP-2 and AKR=129=DBA2=iWSR-1 and are the likely underlying causative nucleotides involved in the altered regulation of Ap3m2 and the phenotypic differences mapped in the two QTL studies due to their identification as being within a regulatory feature. (B) Summary of the reported experimental evidence for each of the Ensembl regulatory features identified in A. (PDF, 159 KB)