A Model for the Evolution of Biological Specificity: a Cross-Reacting DNA-Binding Protein Causes Plasmid Incompatibility

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Supplemental methods

    Table S1, native plasmids and their bacterial hosts encoding the homologous Par operons utilized in this study

    Table S2, plasmids used in this study

    Table S3, parameters used for plasmid segregation simulations

    Fig. S1, plasmid incompatibility assay

    Fig. S2, requirement of parC sequence to mediate incompatibility

    Fig. S3, binding of ParR proteins to parC DNA in trans

    Fig. S4, copy number determination of oriF1 pDAG203 plasmid

    Fig. S5, incompatibility between a resident ParpCP301 plasmid and ParpB171 challenge plasmid, simulated by our kinetic model under a range of values for k−2

    Fig. S6, sequence comparisons of pB171 and pCP301 parC and ParR

    Fig. S7, incompatibility between a resident ParpCP301 plasmid and ParpB171 challenge plasmid, simulated by our kinetic model under a range of values for the copy number of the ParpB171 challenge plasmid

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