Nonperturbative Imaging of Nucleoid Morphology in Live Bacterial Cells during an Antimicrobial Peptide Attack

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Growth curve at 30ºC for the VH1000 in bulk culture (Fig. S1); correlation of total Sytox Orange intensity with cell length (Fig. S2); widefield fluorescence images of HU-YFP distribution in live E. coli cells (Fig. S3); time course of tip-to-tip cell length (Lcell) calculated from phase-contrast images by MicrobeTracker for 18 E. coli cells growing in the microfluidics device at 30ºC (A), and relative change in cell length vs. time, calculated by smoothing the Lcell(t) data using adjacent averaging (B) (Fig. S4); time-lapse imaging of DNA with DAPI and SYTO 61 staining (Fig. S5); axial line scans vs. time for Sytox Orange-stained nucleoids of a B. subtilis cell (Fig. S6); plots of cell length vs. time for the single E. coli cells whose images are shown in Fig. 7 (Fig. S7); legends for supplemental movies.

    PDF, 932K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Movie of growth control experiments (control experiment type 1) of SYTOX Orange-labeled cells (Movie S1).

    AVI, 83K

  • Supplemental file 3 -

    Movie of growth control experiments for SYTOX Orange imaging (control experiment type 2) (Movie S2).

    AVI, 202K

  • Supplemental file 4 -

    Effect of DRAQ5 on cell growth and nucleoid morphology (Movie S3).

    AVI, 46K

  • Supplemental file 5 -

    Expansion of nucleoid due to UV imaging of DAPI-labeled E. coli cells (Movie S4).

    AVI, 100K

  • Supplemental file 6 -

    Time-lapse photography of growth of Sytox Orange-stained B. subtilis cells (Movie S5).

    AVI, 166K