"Table S6. Results from the best-fit (lowest AICc) generalized linear mixed model (binomial distribution), with dominant or subordinate species included as a random effect. The model tested the prediction that smaller bird species were more likely to win aggressive contests for resources when interacting with a more distantly-related species (n = 244 species pairs).",,,,, ,,,,, Dominant species included as random effect,,,,, Fixed effects1,Estimate,SE,z,P, Intercept,-2.02,0.37,-5.52,<0.0001, Genetic distance2,1.19,0.47,2.55,0.011, ,,,,, Subordinate species included as random effect,,,,, Fixed effects1,Estimate,SE,z,P, Intercept,-1.79,0.27,-6.61,<0.0001, Genetic distance2,1.06,0.41,2.59,0.0096, "1 dependent = 0 if larger species was dominant, 1 if smaller species was dominant; ; random effect = dominant or subordinate species nested within taxonomic group",,,,, 2 standardized prior to analysis by subtracting the mean and dividing by 2 standard deviations,,,,,