Supplementary files for "ff14ipq: A self-consistent force field for condensed-phase simulations of proteins." Archive (zip-compressed) containing outputs of the mdgx program for fitting charges (fitQ13.out, fitQnt13.out, fitQct13.out) and torsion parameters (fitTorsionsI.out, fitTorsionsII.out, fitTorsionsIII.out). Values of all parameters discussed in this work can be found in these files, readable by any ascii text editor. More significant digits, the exact parameter values, can be found in the Amber force field files distributed with the Amber14 software release and later versions. fitQ--.out files contain main-chain, N-terminal residue (nt) and C-terminal residue (ct) charge fitting outputs. Editions I, II, and III of the torsion output files contain the first, second, and third generations of the fit. The fitAla5COOH.out file pertains to fitting charges for the protonated C-terminal alanine residue for Ala(5) simulations. Archive (zip-compressed) containing all conformations used in torsion parameter fitting. The file Energies.txt within the archive provides a paths to the topology and coordinate files followed by the MP2/cc-pVTZ energy of each fitting point, one set per line.