Fine Mapping and Evolution of the Major Sex Determining Region in Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

Supporting Information for Taboada et al., 2014

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supporting Information - Figure S1 and Tables S1-S4 (PDF, 206 KB)
  • Figure S1 - Crossing-over along LG5 in turbot (S. maximus) families. (PDF, 183 KB)
  • Table S1 - Genes between the homologous turbot sequences of SmaUSC-E30 and SmaSNP_31, at 6.06 Mb and 6.64 Mb, respectively, in the stickleback LGVIII chromosome. (PDF, 118 KB)
  • Table S2 - Primer pairs and gene regions selected for developing genetic markers at putative genes in the main turbot SD region. (PDF, 150 KB)
  • Table S3 - Statistical association between candidate gene-associated markers and sex at population and family level. (PDF, 149 KB)
  • Table S4 - Comparative gene order of the mapped genes at the main SD region of turbot with regard to model Acanthopterygii fish genomes. (PDF, 150 KB)