The Kip3-Like Kinesin KipB Moves along Microtubules and Determines Spindle Position during Synchronized Mitoses in Aspergillus nidulans Hyphae
Eukaryotic Cell Rischitor et al. 3: 632 HTML Page - index.htslp
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Videos S1 to S9 - movie 1: Three synchronous mitoses in a compartment of A. nidulans wild type. Microtubules are labelled with GPF.
movie 2: Behaviour of mitotic spindles in a compartment of an A. nidulans kipB mutant strain. Microtubules are labelled with GFP.
movie 3: Duration of mitosis in A. nidulans wild type. Microtubules are labelled with GFP.
movie 4: Mitotic progression delay in A. nidulans kipB. Microtubules are labelled with GFP.
movie 5: Localization of GFP-KipB at mitotic and astral microtubules.
movie 6: Localization of GFP-KipB at cytoplasmic microtubules.
movie 7: Distribution of a truncated version of GFP-KipB along cytoplasmic microtubules.
movie 8: Distribution of a truncated version of GFP-KipB along mitotic and astral microtubules.
movie 9: Bidirectional movement of GFP-KipB in hyphae of A. nidulans.