Files containing the EMG (Tibialis Anterior (TA), Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG), Rectus Femoris (RF) and Biceps Femoris (BF) muscles, right leg) and FSR foot contact data (right and left heel) recorded from 10 participants during two treadmill walks (DAT files numbered S2 to S11 = 25 steps per speed, 20 walking speeds and S12 to S21 = 100 steps per speed, 10 walking speeds). The EMG data was bandpass filtered (FIR filter, 20-500 Hz) to remove artefacts, then full-wave rectified and low-pass filtered (zero-lag, fourth-order, IIR Butterworth filter, 6 Hz) to leave the linear envelope of the EMG. The EMG and FSR data was downsampled from 1 KHz to 200 Hz to reduce the file size. File column order: 1) Right leg TA EMG (mV) 2) Right leg LG EMG (mV) 3) Right leg RF EMG (mV) 4) Right leg BF EMG (mV) 5) Right Heel FSR (mV) 6) Left Heel FSR (mV)