Regulation of Glucose-Dependent Gene Expression by the RNA Helicase Dbp2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Files in this data supplement:

  • Table S1: Excel spreadsheet of all annotated S. cerevisiae genes with UCSC hyperlinks to the RNA sequencing data set. Hyperlinks are included that direct to the Saccharomyces Genome Database ( or UCSC genome browser ( by clicking on the gene name or the chromosomal location, respectively. (.xlsx, 1 MB)
  • Table S2: Excel spreadsheet of differentially expressed sense transcripts. The complete list of sense transcripts resulting from RNA sequencing that are differentially expressed (up or down) with respect to wild type following data analysis by Cufflinks 2.0. (.xls, 2 MB)
  • Table S3: Excel spreadsheet of differentially expressed antisense transcripts. The complete list of antisense transcripts resulting from RNA sequencing that are differentially expressed (up or down) with respect to wild type following data analysis by Cufflinks 2.0. (.xls, 2 MB)