Extracellular Invertase Is an Essential Component of Cytokinin-Mediated Delay of Senescence
Plant Cell Balibrea Lara et al. 16: 1276 Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure 1 - Senescence-induced expression of extracellular invertase Cin1 results in a delay of senescence in transgenic lines lines NT58-15 and NT58-69. (A) Phenotype of the transgenic SAG12:Cin1 (NT58-15 and NT58-69) and of wild-type (W38) tobacco plants 7 weeks after sawing. The transgenic plants show a delay in senescence of mature leaves with respect to the loss of mature leaves in the wild-type plants. (B) Delay in senescence of detached young leaves from transgenic SAG12:Cin1 (NT58-15 and NT58-69) and wild-type (W38) tobacco plants incubated in the light for 4 weeks. The results have been reproduced in three independent experiments.
- Supplemental Figure 2 - The increase in extracellular invertase activity in transgenic tobacco plants expressing extracellular invertase under control of the senescence-activated promoter SAG12 is specific and does not result in an increased glucose concentration. (A) Extracellular invertase activity measured in bottom and top leaves of SAG12:Cin1 (NT58-15 and NT58-69) and wild-type (W38) plants 17 weeks after sawing. Bars represent the mean value of three independent replications +/- SE. (B) Vacuolar invertase activity measured in bottom and top leaves of SAG12:Cin1 (NT58-15 and NT58-69) and wild-type (W38) plants 17 weeks after sawing. Bars represent the mean value of three independent replications +/- SE. (C) Glucose contents of bottom and top leaves of SAG12:Cin1 (NT58-15 and NT58-69) and wild-type (W38) plants 17 weeks after sawing. Bars represent the mean of three independent replications leaves +/- SE.