Taylor et al. supportinginformation S1)Equations used forestimation of referencecrop evapotranspiration (ET0) PET (potential evapotranspiration, mm d−1) was derived from dailymean values calculated from weatherstation data. With the exception ofthe approximation madeforincomingsolar radiation (Rs), which is based on information on p. 22 of Jones (1992), the methods follow recommendations madebyAllen et al. (1998)for the calculation ofreferencecrop evapotranspiration (ET0). Thesemethods assumea ‘hypothetical referencecrop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surfaceresistanceof 70 s m−1 and an albedo of0.23 reference surface’(Allen et al., 1998)and meterological measurements madeat 2 m height abovethe groundsurface. Theresult is that aerodynamicresistancera (s m −1) has the approximation 208/w, wherew =windspeed (m s−1). Tairisdailymean air temperature(°C), theaverageof dailymaximum (Tmax, °C) and minimum airtemperatures (Tmin, °C): w is dailymean windspeed at 2 m (m s−1), calculated similarlyto dailymean temperature. esis dailymean saturation vapour pressure(kPa), the averageof saturation vapour pressures at dailymaximum (Tmax, °C) and minimum airtemperatures (Tmin, °C): ea is actual vapour pressure(kPa), calculated based on dailymaximum (RHmax, %)and minimum (RHmin, %)relative humidities: ε is the slope ofvapour pressurecurve(kPa°C−1): γ is thepsychrometric constant (kPa°C−1): Pis air pressure(kPa): z =siteelevation (630 m) Rnet is net radiation (MJ m −2 d−1), calculated as the differencebetween net solarradiation (Rns, MJ m−2 d−1) and net longwaveradiation (Rnl, MJ m −2 d−1): αis thealbedo ofthe crop, 0.23 forthe referencecrop Rsis thesolar radiation (MJ m −2 d−1), approximated as shortwaveirradiance, calculated from integrated dailyPPFD (μmol m−2 d−1) on thebasis of information presented in Jones (1992; Table 2.2): σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant: 4.903 10−9 MJ K−4 m−2 d−1 Tmin,K and Tmax,K arethe dailyminimum and maximum temperatures (K), respectively: Rso is theclear skyradiation (MJ m −2 d−1): asand bsareAngstrom constants: 0.25 and 0.5 respectively Ra is theextraterrestrial radiation (MJ m −2 d−1): πis 3.141593 Gsc is thesolar constant: 0.082 MJ m −2 min−1 dris theinverserelative distanceEarth-Sun: Jis theJulian day ωsisthe sunset hour angle(rad): φis thelatitudeof theexperimental site in this study: −0.5784021 rad δ is solardeclination (rad): References Allen RG, PereiraLS, Raes D, Smith M (1998)Crop evapotranspiration -Guidelines for computing crop water requirements -FAOIrrigation and drainage paper 56. Rome, FAO-Food and AgricultureOrganization ofthe United Nations. Jones HG(1992)Plants and microclimate:a quantitativeapproach to environmental plant physiology. Cambridge, United Kingdom, CambridgeUniversityPress.