6 448224 0017191 of 3 4. PERI-OPERATIVE CARE National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) Clinical form to be completed by an anaesthetist Date of birth 5. Gender 7. ASA class 1 2 3 4 5 8a. Weight (kg) 8b. Actual Estimated Male Female 9a. Height (cm) 9b. Actual Estimated 6. Ethnicity (for calculating eGFR) Black Other 10a. Was the patient assessed in a pre-admission clinic? Yes No Unknown 10b. If YES, was this: within 4 weeks of surgery 4 weeks or more prior to surgery Unknown 11. Specific co-morbidities arrhythmia cancer documented cirrhosis congestive cardiac failure - see definitions current smoker diabetes (insulin) diabetes (non insulin) ischaemic heart disease - see definitions 13. Please state the last known values within 2 weeks of surgery for the following: 13a. Creatinine (mmol/ml) 13b. Haemoglobin (g/dl) . 14. Start time and date of anaesthetic h h m m 15. Anaesthetic technique - please select all that apply: General Spinal/epidural Combined 16a. Arterial catheter? Yes No 16b. CVC? Yes No 16c. Cardiac output monitoring? Yes No 17. Urgency of surgery (see DEFINITIONS) Immediate Urgent Expedited Elective Hospital number of patient (or if not applicable, A&E number) NHS number (10 digits) Date of hospital admission 0 3 1 0 1. 2. 3. d d m m y y d d m m y y d d m m y y PLEASE TURN OVER TO COMPLETE THE REMAINING QUESTIONS Not done Unknown Not done Unknown 20a. Laparoscopic? Yes No 20b. Laparoscopic converted surgery? - see definitions Yes No 19. Procedure performed respiratory disease prior TIA/stroke 18. Post op planning (see definitions) Recovery to ward (level 0/1) Recovery to HDU (level 2) Recovery to ICU (level 3) - please do NOT detail further Straight to HDU (level 2) Straight to ICU (level 3) 18a. Intention before surgery Other 12. Do you consider this patient to be a high risk patient? Yes No 22a. Gut resection? Yes No 22b. If YES, primary anastomosis? Yes No 23. Intra-operative estimated blood loss <100ml 100 to <500ml 500 to <1000ml 1000ml 21a. Intra-abdominal? Yes No 21b. Intra-thoracic? Yes No SITE NAME TRUST NAME2 448224 001676 2 of 3 28a. Time/date/day into recovery 0 3Time: Date: 28b. Time/date/day out of recovery 0 3 1 0Time: Date: 28c. First location after recovery (see definitions) Ward (level 0/1) HDU (level 2) ICU (level 3) 27. If there are any points re the pre-operative assessment, intra-operative or post operative care of this patient or their procedure that you would like to highlight for our clinical advisors, or anything else you would like to add, please do so here: Thank you for contributing to this study! d d m m y y 1 0 h h m m ANAESTHETIST TO ASK RECOVERY STAFF TO COMPLETE Q28, AND RETRIEVE THEREAFTER NCEPOD NUMBER SITE NUMBER DATE RECEIVED 25a. Actual discharge after surgery 26a. Was the actual discharge location ideal? Yes No 26b. If NO, please specify why not: 25. Post op planning (see definitions) Recovery to ward (level 0/1) Recovery to HDU (level 2) Recovery to ICU (level 3) Straight to HDU (level 2) Straight to ICU (level 3) Other 24a. Was a surgical checklist used during this procedure? Yes No 24b. If YES to 24a Original WHO checklist Modified WHO checklist Other0 448224 003542 3 of 3 I healthy II mild systemic, no limitations III severe systemic, limitations IV severe systemic, threat to life V moribund, not expected to survive Immediate – immediate life, limb or organ-saving intervention – resuscitation simultaneous with intervention. Normally within minutes of decision to operate. A) Life-saving B) Other e.g. limb or organ saving. Urgent – intervention for acute onset or clinical deterioration of potentially life-threatening conditions, for those conditions that may threaten the survival of limb or organ, for fixation of many fractures and for relief of pain or other distressing symptoms. Normally within hours of decision to operate. Expedited – patient requiring early treatment where the condition is not an immediate threat to life, limb or organ survival. Normally within days of decision to operate. Elective – intervention planned or booked in advance of routine admission to hospital. Timing to suit patient, hospital and staff. ASA CLASS: URGENCY OF SURGERY: Level 0: Patients whose needs can be met through normal ward care in an acute hospital. Level 1: Patients at risk of their condition deteriorating, or those recently relocated from higher levels of care whose needs can be met on an acute ward with additional advice and support from the critical care team. Level 2: (e.g. HDU) Patients requiring more detailed observation or intervention including support for a single failing organ system or post operative care, and those stepping down from higher levels of care. (NB: When Basic Respiratory and Basic Cardiovascular support are provided at the same time during the same critical care spell and no other organ support is required, the care is considered to be Level 2 care). Level 3: (e.g. ICU) Patients requiring advanced respiratory support alone or basic respiratory support together with support of at least two organs. This level includes all complex patients requiring support for multi-organ failure. (NB: Basic Respiratory and Basic Cardiovascular do not count as 2 organs if they occur simultaneously (see above under Level 2 care), but will count as Level 3 if another organ is supported at the same time). LEVEL OF CARE: Cerebrovascular disease Cerebrovascular disease is defined as a history of transient ischemic attack or stroke. Congestive heart failure Congestive heart failure was defined by the presence of any of the following: history of congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; physical examination showing bilateral rales or S3 gallop; or chest radiograph showing pulmonary vascular redistribution. Ischaemic heart disease Ischaemic heart disease includes any of the following: history of myocardial infarction, history of a positive exercise test, current complaint of chest pain considered to be secondary to myocardial ischemia, use of nitrate therapy, or ECG with pathological Q waves. Patients with prior coronary revascularization procedures are categorized as having ischaemic heart disease only if they had any of the other criteria for ischaemic heart disease listed above. Laparoscopic converted surgery An incision is made larger than that simply needed to extract the specimen. CO-MORBIDITIES AND LAPAROSCOPIC CONVERTED SURGERY: