Biofilm Formation Protects Escherichia coli against Killing by Caenorhabditis elegans and Myxococcus xanthus

Supplemental material

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    UTI89 CFU without predation (Fig. S1), C. elegans feeding on WT UTI89 or a csgD mutant individually (Fig. S2), C. elegans feeding results in a fragile biofilm (Fig. S3), SDS-insoluble CsgA still present after M. xanthus predation (Fig. S4), biofilm fragility after M. xanthus predation (Fig. S5), Enterobacteriaceae curli production on YESCA and LB plates (Fig. S6), growth on cow dung agar plates (Fig. S7), curli production on food agar plates (Fig. S8), and growth and morphology on food agar plates (Fig. S9).

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