Routes of Acquisition of the Gut Microbiota of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Experimental setup (Fig. SI3a); jacknifed-weighted UniFrac PCoA plots of colonization pattern samples calculated at an even depth of 3,500 reads (Fig. SI3b).

    PDF, 6.0M

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Illumina iTag processing summary (Table SI2a); species' relative abundance for sample AZ125.4 based on primer selection (Table SI2b); alpha diversity metrics and mean total 16S rRNA gene qPCR estimates for transmission route and colonization pattern experiments (Table SI2c); correlation of species bins to log10 qPCR absolute values (Table SI2d); results of R VEGAN package Adonis method for PERMANOVA between replicate cup cages within each treatment (Table SI2e); results of R VEGAN package Adonis method for PERMANOVA between organs on a given day (Table SI2f); mapping file used to demultiplex barcoded miSEQ data (Table SI2g); OTU table with “Transmission Route” high-abundance OTUs, including top BLAST hits and assigned bins (Table SI2h); OTU table with “Colonization” high-abundance OTUs, including top BLAST hits and assigned bins (Table SI2i).

    XLSX, 177K